Can Bowel Polyps Re-grow After A Colonoscopy?
Yes you can delay colonoscopy for 5 months without any risk
Detailed Answer:
Hello! Thanks for putting your query in HCM. I am a Gastroenterologist.
I can understand your concerns
Specific follow-up interval (Next colonoscopy) is determined by prior colonoscopic findings (polyp size, number of polyp), histology of polyp, family history, patient preference, and clinical judgment.
Usually with single polyp that of size <1cm with no family histroy with Tubulous variety one should undergo next colonoscopy in 5-10 years.
However if the polyp size > 1cm, pure villous type, more than 3 in number with family history positive. Then one must go colonoscopy in 3 years
And as you said that polyp was removed in Nov 2014, and it was of villous or tubulovillous, however you haven't mentioned the numbers, even if it is more than 3 then you can get colonoscopy in 3 years. So delaying for 6 months will not carry risk. So keep cool
I hope I have answered your query and this will help you . Wish you a good health
Thans for the answer. Here is the detail report, please advise if it should still be OK for delaying colonoscopy for 6 months with minimum risk.
1) Ascending colon polyp, Tubulovillous adenoma. A XXXXXXX colored colonic polyp without stalk. It measures 1.2 cm in maximal dimension. All embedded in 2 tissue blocks in 1 cassette
2) Sigmoid polyp, Tubular adenoma. A XXXXXXX colored polyp 0.2 cm. All embedded in 1 tissue block in 1 cassette
Thanks in advance!
you can easily delay for 6 months
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back and sorry for delay
As per detail you should undergo colonoscopy within 3 yrs of prior colonoscopy so you can easily delay for 6 months
Wish you a good helath