Can Change In Lifestyle Slightly Walk And Reduced Oily Food Reduce Fatty Liver ?
I am , age54, Menopausal.prediabitic
Yesterday I did the sonography of whole abdomen and found following report
1.right kidney calculus of no obstructive type 5.3mm
2.Liver normal in size with echotexture slightly increased. liver span-15.2cm.
3.I am prediabitic with fasting suger 88 ,post lunch160,hb1ac-6.7.
Doctor has not prescribed me any medicines
4.Last month i carried out few blood tests showed higher triglycerides-159,LDL-134,HDL-41.
Currently I went for sonography because I observed that I have urination every1.5 to 2 hrs.
At night i generally have sound sleep of 6.5-7 hrs .
without visiting routine urine report is normal.I am taking tablet Atrova tg, tablet,Osteogest.As if I have control on suger intake.but still post lunch is high.
I am suffering from constipation.
Doctor has prescribed other medication for calculus in kidney.however he told me for fatty liver change lifestyle slightly like walk and reduce oily food etc.Awaited the advise.
I will upload reports and prescribed medicines shortly
Thanks and regards,
Detailed Answer:
As, I see, most of your findings in ultrasound are almost in normal range & specifically an healthy life style, as advised by your doctor is of utmost importance.
Though, your liver is mildly enlarged, but it is not significant as such, as your liver is having mildly increased echogenicity, hence may be signs of fatty changes in liver grade one. Still, it is always better to restrict your intake of fatty foods, as already advised by your doctor to avoid fatty changes in liver in future, More over ,you are also having mild increase in triglyceride & LDL, therefore restriction of fat is all the more needed to counter these abnormalities along with atorva tablet, which you are taking rightly.
Use of osteogest, is also O.K., as it definitely helps in preventing/treating the condition of osteoprosis, particularly in postmenopausal women like you.
Presence of a 5.3 mm stone in kidney, without any presence of hydronephrosis, is not much significant, as far as the treatment is concerned. Just use of plenty of fluids should restrict fiurther formation of stones & may aid in passing of this stone thru urine. However, a few herbal medicines like cystone & amlycure etc. may be taken to aid in the reduction of size of stones & their easy passage thru urine.
Though your PP sugar is marginally high, still you do not require any medicine at this time except some dietary control of sugars in your diets, as your HbA1C is well within the normal range.
The treatment i started right now for kidney calculus is as follows:
1. Tablet cystone (from himalaya)- 3 times a day
2.Tablet urisoft-3 times a day.
3.Potassium citrate-magnesium citrate solution twice a day.
4.Osteogest-once a day.
Does this calcium suppliment cause the deposits in kidney?
Doctor has prescribed these medicines for 3 months.
Can we predict approximately in how many months this problem can be resolved?
regarding fatty liver is just life style change enough? can I take the syrup live Liv -52?
What type of food I should specifically avoid and what diet I should adopt?
Considering my prediabitis which fruits and veggis i should it?Can you specifically tell me ?
What can i still do to reduce the pp suger?
Are these type of chronic problems occuring in my cases due to high suger?
Awaiting for your reply.Thanks and Regards,
Detailed Answer:
In my opinion, The prescription advised for you, seems O.K. However, urisoft & solution of potassium citrate & magnesium citrate, are having similar actions, therefore, you may stop the solution. However, still plenty of fluids intake is always needed. Usually, the persons who are having urinary stone, may be habitual stone performer. Therefore, fluid intake will prevent any new stone to be performed & old stones to be reduced in size & easy passage from body. Also, as you are taking cystone, which is very good for dissolution of stones & reducing their size. It will also aid in passing the small crystals of any stone.
I see none of your problem as worrisome.
Fatty changes in liver are grade one & these are generally controlled with restriction of fats, avoidance of alcohol, smoking & avoiding of unnecessary drugs & even health supplements. Syrup liv 52, is definitely a good tonic for liver, which may aid in keeping your liver more healthy. I do not think that you should take any specific extra steps or treatment already advised by me.
I do not think , any of your problem is due to sugar level, as I already wrote that, your sugar level is almost in normal range & you do not need any specific medicines for it, but just to take care of dietary restrictions.
In the dosage of osteogest, you are taking, there is no chance of deposits of calcium in the kidney.
Use of fruits & green vegetables is always beneficial in liver disorders. I do not advise you to stop specifically any fruit & you may take any fruit at your will. Generally sugars from fruits have not much effect on blood sugar & particularly at a sugar level, as you are having. I think, I have replied to all your queries, but will welcome any further query in this regards, which I may be able to solve.
Only my current problem for which actually I went for Sonography is
1. Frequent urination;After every 1.5 to 2 hrs.I visit the toilet since last month.Since last year i was prediabitic but never found this issue. Generally I used the tolient after around 3 hrs.
2.Constipation - I am finding the constipation since last month.i had never any stomach
related issues a month ago. There is acute pain but bearable , in uppear abdomen .
Are all the symptoms due to stone?
Thanks and regards,
Detailed Answer:
There may be a possibility of your symptoms being due to presence of stone, if you are passing the crystals of stone in the urine. If, there is presence of more crystals, then body tries to clear them with increased flow of urine & hence there is increased frequency of urine, for which, you need plenty of fluids intake. Besides, this, if taking of plenty of fluids do not solve the problems, then there may be some infection of urine present, which may be responsible for this. Your report of microscopic examination of urine is showing presence of pus cells in the normal range (1-2/HPF ). However, presence of few bacteria is depicting some infection. Therefore, a repeat examination of urine for presence of pus cells and/or bacteria & if present, I will advise you to take some course of antibiotic under guidance of your doctor. Again, if there is not abnormal presence of pus cells/ bacteria in urine with microscopic examination, then culture & sensitivity of urine is advised to detect any infection & treatment accordingly.
For presence of constipation , I will like to emphasise, that most of the times, it is way of perception, than a disease itself. At least in my opinion, normal perceived pattern of once in 24 hours, is not necessary. I advise my patients, that the duration between two act of clearance within 72 hours is normal. At least, I advise my patients, that 3 stools a day or one stool in 3 days is normal, if no other problem is present. Still, avoiding straining during defecation is always advised, as it induces more feeling of burning & urge to passage of stools, with little or no stool, resembling symptoms of constipation. LOT OF FIBER INTAKE, keeping the body dehydrated with fluid intake, Lot of fruits & vegetables & keeping yourself active with normal physical exercises etc. are needed to avoid the constipation. Still, if this does not solve your problems, you may try some stool softner as laxative for few days & then try to stop it at the earliest.
I have tried to reply to your queries, according to my knowledge & I HOPE, THIS SHOULD help you. I will again appreciate your any further query, which I MAY BE ABLE TO solve according to my knowledge.