Can Colon Cleansing Be Done To Lose Weight?
Healthy diet with exercise is always recommended.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health Care Magic.
My name is Dr Muhammad Ahmad & I will look into your problem.
I have gone through your query and would try to help you in the best possible way. I do understand your concern and will try to give you options, pros and cons of use and I will let you know my own opinion about the matter.
1x Garcina Xtreme:
This product ADVERTISES to be all natural but they neither give out their formula nor they are approved natural by any government based regulatory authority like FDA or quality board, even user review about the product on neutral forums is highly mixed more inclined towards NOT of Slightly effective side.
My opinion:
Products like this can never replace natural clean diet and exercise, lifestyle modifications and doctors don't recommend them because of secret ingredients they might include.
Colon Cleanser:
Remember that "natural" doesn't necessarily mean safe. The government doesn't regulate natural colon cleansing products, so their potency, safety, and purity can't be guaranteed. Most doctors don't recommend gut cleansers and diarrhea causing agents exactly for the same reason why a long standing diarrhea due to a germ needs to be stopped, long term use of cleanser can cause salt and mineral deficiencies specially fat soluble vitamin deficiency.
Vomiting, nausea, cramps
Dizziness, a sign of dehydration
Mineral imbalance
Potential interference with medication absorption on day of procedure
Bowel perforation
Depletion of helpful normal bowel flora unless replaced (i.e. probiotics).
I recommend Cleansing ONLY if patient insists that he is willing to take risk. But that too under strict consultation by a cleansing therapist.
My opinion:
The cleansing product you mentioned and asked about is Not guaranteed by any government regulatory authority to be organic or natural and no way do they tell what actually their product includes so in my opinion its better to avoid it.
1- It's better to use low calorie high fiber balanced (medium carbs, more protein and negligible fat ) diet
2- You can just do brisk walk as much as you can do and gradually increase your work out as stamina starts getting better, join a gym under a good trainer and dietitian.
3- Synthetic products should never be preferred over lifestyle modifications.
4- I don't personally feel that these products should do any harm if used for a short period like one month but still I recommend you to give diet and exercise a chance, try strict diet and good gym for 2-3 months first and that should do.
5- 45 years is just half way down your life, you can't feel tired just now. Try starting life style changes from today, eat good, do workout and with time you stamina will get better.
6- try to JUMP START metabolism is not always good in your long term benefit. Body has it's own ways of doing things and its always better to let it work according to it's natural physiology, disturbing natural metabolic processes is invariably known to cause short or long term issues.
7- I can not assure you if above mentioned products are safe or not because they don't reveal their ingredients and according to me, if you aren't sure a food is safe, always consider it unsafe.
8- I will suggest you to go with life style and exercise under a good trainer and you should see result in 2-3 months, stay steady and determined, you can make a HEALTHY CHANGE in yourself.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help if not then don't forget to close the discussion and rate it.
Wishing you good health !!