Can Genital Herpes Be Contracted From Oral Sex?
I had a cold sore from last sunday and started taking antibiotics for it right away. Saturday night it was basically gone just had dry skin and me and my boyfriend kissed and then he gave me oral only. Is it possible that i gave myself genital herpes from myself through him??
Detailed Answer:
It is unlikely that your boyfriend could pass your virus from your mouth and cause an outbreak on your genitals because you have some antibodies to your own virus (usually if it's on the mouth it's HSV-1, but there can be some cross over where HSV-2 causes oral herpes). However, you can get genital herpes from the other strain if he has HSV-2.
Cold sores can transmit the herpes virus even when a person has no symptoms, but they are much more contagious when a person does have cold sore blisters. Once the blisters are healed and the skin looks normal then there is less chance. Given that you have been taking an antiviral, there is less chance of spreading the virus to your boyfriend, but the risk is still there until your skin has returned to normal.
Detailed Answer:
Itching can be from many things and doesn't necessarily mean it is an outbreak of Herpes. Itching can be from yeast overgrowth, from irritation at the end of or after a period, or other things. It is possible but rare for there to be autoinnoculation of herpes virus to a different region of your body. When autoinnoculation does happen it is usually during the primary outbreak (1st out break you ever had). After that your body has some immunity to it.
I recommend taking a bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar in it or washing gently with a wash cloth that has apple cider vinegar diluted in half with water. Do this gently.
If you start to have pain then do go in to see your doctor to be checked to see if there are blisters, but the chances of this being the case are very low.