Can Herpes Be Transmitted Through Injections?
transmission requires contact with the virus
Detailed Answer:
herpes cannot be transmitted with injections, if that's what you implied. Herpes on the back is usually shingles which is caused by reactivation of Varicella-Zoster-Virus (VZV - chickenpox). In any case transmission is much more likely when active lesions are evident but it may also occur (albeit not so easy) even without visible lesions.
Please keep in mind though that both herpes simplex virus (HSV) and VZV are very common and almost every adult has come into contact with them in the past by having either chickenpox or a cold sore. Of course you should avoid contact of visible lesions with the genitals because HSV can be transmitted to mucosal surfaces or skin lesions with direct contact even if you've had a cold sore in the past (it won't protect you against new transmission). Intact skin (not mucosa) reduces the chances of transmission.
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If we share soaps, wash clothes, ? How long does the virus live on a surface ie sheet clothes etc?
For example asymptomatic shedding
What is the prodrome phase?
indirect transmission is difficult
Detailed Answer:
You're welcome!
If it's around the anus then it's probably due to sexual contact. It could be HSV 1 or HSV 2. HSV 2 is related to sexual transmission but you can never be sure.
Indirect transmission is possible if infected fluids come into contact with mucosal surfaces. Keep in mind though that the herpes virus is not very hard to kill. It dies soon after getting out of the body or being washed.
Asymptomatic shedding is possible and may cause transmission. If you'd like to reduce the chances of transmission then the infected partner should have to take low dose prophylactic antiviral treatment.
The prodrome phase is the stage between transmission and blister formation.
Kind Regards!
Valacyclovir 500mg
Detailed Answer:
I would go for valacyclovir 500mg per day. It has been found to halve the risk of transmission.