Can One's Height Be Increased At The Age Of 16?
You should see a pediatric endocrinologist.
Detailed Answer:
I have carefully gone through your question.
Most boys continue to grow until they're around 16.
It's important for them to have healthy eating habits, a well-balanced diet, and some physical activity each day to ensure continued growth and proper development during these years.
Your son's final adult height depends on a number of factors like height and growth patterns, such as early or delayed growth of family members; when he reached puberty and nutrition.
To resume:The genes, play a large role in your son's growth pattern and his final adult height. But it's not the only factor in his growth.
Boys and girls stop growing at the end of puberty. That's when their growth plates -- the area where their bones grow -- fuse.
Most children grow an average of two years after they have completed their pubertal growth spurt.
On average,boys are done growing around age 14 to 16.
At the other side there is a formula that can predict his final height, plus or minus two inches.
For boys this formula is: [(mother's height + 5 inches) + father's height] divided by two.
I need to know even your weight apart your husband,to calculate your son's final height.
As i sais earlier,A good rule of thumb is that once a child has reached the end stages of puberty, the growth plates are essentially closed.
Anyway,In my opinion ,you should consult a pediatric endocrinologist for more investigations about your son's final height.
If his growth plates haven't indeed fused,the best way to grow as tall as he possibly can is to keep healthy, provide good nutrition, exercise regularly, and sleep well.
Hope this information is helpful.
If you have other questions,feel free to ask.I will be happy to help.