Can Ovulation Happens At 32 Or 33 Days?
Detailed answer below.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Shahina,
Thank you for query.I have read it&understand your concern.
* Ovulation is a must for conception.Normaly ovulation is 14 days before the expected day of menses. Provided husband's semen analysis is normal, one has to try unprotected sex 3 days prior to&after the calculated ovulation (6 days)
* LH surge kit is available in suggests release of L H hormone &ovulation followes within 1-2 days of LH surge 5 days sex of sex after the surge..would help in conception.
* Considering the cramps you have&also changed menstrual habit...I would suggest to confirm normality of ovaries &also ovulation study by USG scan ,
Priar consultation&actual physical check up by a gynecologist would be ideal.
I hope that helps.Any follow up query is welcome.