Brief Answer:
Steroid abuse with dependence; not STD
Detailed Answer:
Hello young man,
Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting all the important information along with the pictures. After thoroughly interpreting the information and analyzing the pictures, let me first and foremost reassure you that your genital condition does not seems to be
genital herpes r any other sexually transmitted infection . Rather I make a diagnosis of “steroid abuse and dependence” for the condition.
Let me explain you the things simply-
As you haven’t had any type of extramarital incidence so the possibility of sexually transmitted infection is totally out whether for herpes or for any other type of sexually transmitted infection. IN herpes or any other sexually transmitted infection, there must be a history of
unprotected intercourse. As you gave the history of single relationship and that too with your wife (who is completely clear), so there is no chance of any type of STDs.
Now you must be wondering then how and why mollsucum occurred and why there is positive IgG for herpes.
For moullucum contagiousum (For which you used salactin lotion)- I very forst doubt that those lesions were mollucum. Even then if those lesions were mollucum, it can be present either due to simple infection or due to sexually transmitted mode. When it is preset on or near to genital region then we suspect of more towards sexually transmitted mode. But as I said it is simple infection which we even see more frequently in children too and can be present due to trivial touching or contact. So in you it got caught by anyone surrounding person having moullscum.
Now for the part of positive IgG for herpes- In previous mail also I said that in many persons we find positive IgG for heroes without any clinical sign and symptoms. This is actually is a good sign that you have had exposure to herpes virus and then due to good immunity there was formation of
antibodies to herpes virus which are of protective nature. So I totally disagree with any of your thoughts or previous suggestion regarding possibility of herpes present clinically. There must be a clinical sign or symptoms of herpes which I enumerated in previous mail.
As there is no evidence of herpes clinically so there is no benefit in taking any anti-viral tablet or Valcivir-500 Tab and Acivir-5g Cream.
You do not have any of this kind of sign or symptom and in pictures too I can not make out any type of vesicles or blisters and not even any ulcers too. OK even if it had been present then also herpes is a very simple type of viral infection and very well controllable. It is a very frequently encountered infection which we
dermatologist see most often as a sexually transmitted infection. It is totally different from HIV and there is no correlation of herpes with HIV.
I am really surprised to know that some of the doctor told you as herpes being more serious than AIDS. It is totally a sarcastic statement and I totally disagree with the statement of the previous doctor.
So you relieve your
anxiety for any type of STDs including HSV or HIV or any other in your self.
Now for the part of present problem of red spots and rashes- It is quite normal and usual process in all of the uncircumcised males. On one side it is due to the thinnest skin present on the penile area and on the other side is due to improper hygiene. The one very important thing to add is that you have applied Tenovate-M as self medications. It contains a strong steroid in it which causes thinning of skin and dependence. So till the time you apply it there had been reduction o
redness. But after a period of time it became ineffective and therefore lead to recurrent red spots.
I suggest you to not to take anything as self Medication.
For the management of the same kindly follow the suggestions below:
- Wash your penile area for two times in a day. You can use a mild soap to wash the area. Wash it very gently but properly. As you are uncircumcised so it is quite important to retract your skin fully backwards and then wash the area.
- Preferably avoid sexual intercourse for few days. After every sexual intercourse too, wash the area properly.
- It is quite very important to check for infection in your partner too. If your partner has white discharge then it is the most common cause of recurrent infection.
- Wear cotton undergarments. Change these two times a day. Do not wear any synthetic or tight garments.
- Though in general I do not prefer any medications and guide the patient to not apply anything to taper off the side effects of
steroids. Many a times here si aggaatio of redness fo rfew days and then as skin gets accustomed to itself then the redness subsides. But some times applying anti-fungal creams such as "Sertaconazole" or "clotrimazole" cream can help. Apply it in a very thin layer so that it should not be visible to the naked eye. A very small amount on the tip of finger ( 1/4 of pea size amount) is suffieicnt for the complete area.
- For the itching part you can take antihistamine like "loratadine" two times daily for 5 days and then make it once a day.
Overall it is nothing to be worried about. It is a common condition which we see quite often in our day to day practice. With complete treatment of self and partner and with good hygiene maintenance it can be cured very easily.
I hope this clears all your doubts. Tell me if you have any further quires.
Wish you good health
with regards,
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD - Skin & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)