Can Regestrone Tablet Is Used To Prepone The Periods?
Explained below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
Regestrone can be used in different dosages for correcting different menstrual abnormalities.
You did not have periods since March 4th(that is since 2 months)
You are in child bearing should have regular periods unless...
You are married , are planning for a baby&are pregnant./You have irregular periods due to..ill health&extreme weakness or have extreme physical or psychological stress/you have some problems with uterus,ovary,thyroid or pituitery gland.
*In case you are married, in my view you should exclude pregnancy by doing home pregnancy test of urine.Taking Regestrone in pregnancy is hazardous for baby.
A consultation & physical examination with few investigations would help in treating you &have a permanent solution of such problem.Please consult a gynecologist.
After this, the doctor would prescribe dosage of Regestrone or other medication according to your specific need .
* Regestrone is a hormone..please don't self medicate before cause of 2 months delay in period is identified.
I hope you understand.Any follow up query is welcome.
Explained below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up query.
*You already have taken 1 tablet of Regestrone daily for 3 days..&there are 2 days tablet free in between.
In present condition, you should wait for a week for periods to appear..even spotting is alright.You need further medication to get regular periods.Consult a gynecologist.
* Actually,the dose taken was a bit low to induce's not good to take hormone irregularly.So let the effect of the pills taken be finished&if there is no bleeding at all , revised dose needs to be repeated after8days.
I hope it helps.Any follow up query is welcome.