Can Rough Intercourse Cause Bladder Fullness, Spasms, Pelvic Pain, And Bladder And Pelvic Pressure?
Unlikely to be from trauma
Detailed Answer:
Fingering may have caused some trauma to the urethra, which could cause some symptoms, usually with urinating, such as burning with urination, and may even cause urinary frequency or urgency. But it would not typically cause any bladder symptoms like what you are describing, and also since it started 2 days later, that would be atypical as well, since if the symptoms were due to trauma, that would be immediate and the worst right after the trauma. So I would suspect, based on what you've said, that these symptoms are not related to the sexual encounter, and if all the tests are not showing any infection or inflammation, then interstitial cystitis does sound like a reasonable diagnosis.
I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions about that, and I would be glad to discuss it with you further.
Usually symptoms are gradual
Detailed Answer:
Usually the symptoms of interstitial cystitis come on gradually and worsen over time, so it would not be normal for it to come and go, but it can be abrupt or severe right from the beginning. There are many other possibilities, including infection, bladder or uterine masses that push on the bladder, and neurological conditions. However, urine testing and the CT scan would usually rule out any infections or masses, and they would usually check your post-void residual (how much urine is still in your bladder after urinating) to see if there is any sign of the bladder muscle not working well. Usually we would try treating for interstitial cystitis with medications like amitriptyline, and if that was not effective, sometimes looking inside the bladder with a scope is considered to be sure there is nothing else there causing symptoms.
Please let me know if you have any other questions, I'd be glad to help any way I can.