Can Stress Lead To Irregular Periods?
menses delay
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
Based on your description, the delay in menses is most likely due to the stressors that you detailed. The hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary form an axis which works in close coordination for regular menstrual cycle. Stress can affect the hypothalamus and thus lead to irregular cycles.
Even though there is very little chance of pregnancy, a pregnancy test can be done, just to be sure and rule it out. Next, menses can be induced by taking meds like penorit if there is no menses for a further cycle. You can wait it out, try to relax and the cycle may restore without the help of the meds.
Penorit contains
Norethisterone Acetate
Ethinyloestradiol USP
After excluding the existence of pregnancy, 1 tablet of Penorit is taken on two consecutive days with menstrual like bleeding after 3 to 6 days.
Wishing you best of health
Let me know if you have any query
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
For future follow up / correspondence you may ask me directly at the link given below
Dr. M.S. Khalil