Can Swelling And Pain At The Nail Bed Post Injury Be Cured?
Nail bed infection. Remove the acrylic nail.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using Healthcaremagic to post your health query.
I read carefully your question and I saw your photos.
It looks like the acrylic nail has stopped the circulation and it is causing an infection. You will need to remove the acrylic nail from that finger or otherwise it will get worse.
Also, after that I would suggest to do 3 times/day soaking of the finger in warm water with jodine or salty water.
If worse or not better, I would recommend seeing a local doctor. You may need local antibiotics, or even draining of the nail if pus accumulates underneath the nail.
Hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you need more clarifications.
Dr. Papaqako
No, neosporin will not help.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear,
No, applying Neosporin will not reduce the swelling.
As I said before, do regular soaking in warm water with salt or a disinfectant and try to remove the acrylic nail.
Let me know how it has progressed. Should either be better or worse by now, so please update me with a photo.
Kind regards,
Dr. Papaqako
I've attached a few pictures of how it looks now. defiantly not green anymore. even though it looks ugly, the nail is whiter.
It is better but still swollen.
Continue soaking the finger twice/daily.
Detailed Answer:
I reviewed your photos.
I am glad that you removed the acrylic nail. Now it will start getting better. Just continue soaking.
If start getting worse, then you need to go and see a local doctor to help you remove the nail and drain it completely.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
Dr. Papaqako.