Brief Answer:
We need more information
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about these disturbing findings on your
CT scan. No one receives a result suggesting findings like these and doesn't get worried. These findings can represent so many different possible conditions with some being concerning and others not.
As a physician,
swollen lymph nodes without a clear cause, are always considered to be the worse case scenario like cancers, until proven otherwise. I am not surprised your doctor is equally concerned by this and wants you to meet with a surgeon. For now, we would like to follow up with investigations until we get the definite answer to this.
The next best step, which I guess is what the surgeon would do, is to remove one of these swollen nodes and send to the laboratory for testing. This would return with a definitive answer to this. This will leave no questions unanswered and will open a new page on the way forward. The best thing is to know what we are dealing with. No matter what it is, we shall work with you to make sure the condition is address to the very best standards of existing medical care. You shall never have to walk alone on this.
Below are some short questions and answers for you.
1.Could it be cancer? Yes.
2. Is it cancer for sure? No, We don't know just yet.
3. If it is cancer, could it be breast cancer? It remains a possibility.
4. And what of the
mammogram that showed no abnormality? Though the mammogram diagnoses most abnormal breast conditions, it still misses out on some.
I hope this addresses your query fully. Thank you so much for using our services and please feel free to ask for clarifications if need be. I wish you the best of health.
Dr. Ditah, MD.