Can Symptoms Of Vomiting And Stomach Pain Be Appendicitis With No Fever?
Detailed Answer:
The symptoms you are describing are more common for gastroenteritis (stomach "flu") or food poisoning, if the pain is in the stomach.
Appendicitis pain is usually in the lower right part of the abdomen. It can start as more diffuse pain throughout the abdomen, but then settles in more on the lower right. Walking or any kind of jostling makes it worse as does lifting up a leg while lying down. Pressing on the abdomen and then releasing the hand suddenly also increases pain if there is appendicitis.
Appendicitis pain can be confusing and so if there is any suspicion for it, you would need to go to the hospital ER for evaluation and observation if it isn't obvious. And sometimes it isn't obvious.
There can be fever but not always, and fever can go with a viral gastroenteritis too.