Can You Diagnosis Of Stool Sample Report?
Symptoms since this has began : diahhrea, lower abdominal pain below belly button, thin stools, a feeling of trapped gas or not completely emptying bowels probably due to colon stricture, mucus stools and now blood on stools apparently. doctor has told me to stay on the high fiber diet for a few more weeks as it takes awhile he said for stools to normalize but he has not seen the new bloody stool picture yet. I am waiting to hear from him tomorrow or the day after.
Detailed Answer:
Have seen the photo attached by you,
Clear cut blood could be visualised.
Your symptoms are suggestive of Diverticulitis.
A CT scan of abdomen should be done initially to rule out the possibility along with it a stool culture test should be done to rule out the bacteria involved.
These tests should be done intially before starting further treatment.
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Hi there,
Have seen the photo attached,
I would suggest you to take probiotic VSl#3 two times a day.
Along with it take Prizolec 20 mg once daily
A digestive supplement like Aristrozyme two table spoon twice can also be taken to assist digestion.
Take easily digestible food.
If available a course of Ofloxacin 200 and ornidazole 200 mg can be taken for two days.
If relieved no need to go for CT in COVID times.
Thank you.
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you and follow up after 3 days.