Can You Please Advise If Such Experience May Transmit HIV ?
1- Can you please advise if such experience may transmit HIV ?
2- does hand job considered as risky or safe sex practice?
3- can I get infected of STD via hand job it lasted for less that 3-2 mins and I asked her to stop.
4- apparently she is not married and not sure if she is actually lactate and I did not taste anything is it possible that nipple or licking her chest may transmit any STD? In particular HIV ?
5- I have a regular partner that I am trying to avoid her for a week since this happen and not sure if can get my regular life sex again, is it safe to resume my regular life with my partner ?
6- does HIV or STI usually transmitted through micro crack or damaged skins ?
7- I started to have throat pain and getting super worried is this related to this matter as the above exposure happen 11 days ago.
I am very concerned and I wish this never happen, can not get it over.
Your HIV risk is negligible
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
1. The activities mentioned by you (Hand job, sucking nipple, getting massage are safe sexual activities and the risk of HIV/STI transmission is almost 'nil'
2. Hand job is absolutely a safe sex practice.
3. The risk of STI through hand job is almost 'NIL"
4. Even if she was lactating, a single encounter of nipple sucking could be cosidered as negligible risk for HIV and STI
5. If you are sure with the above said sexual activities, you can resume your normal life with your regular partner withot any doubt.
6. Yes, possible...especially it is possible with genital skin during sexual act when genitals come in contact with infectious body fluids. Other parts of skin the risk is negligible as STI organisms and HIV cannot survive outside the body fluids not more than few seconds.
7. Sore throat is one of the commonest problem on earth . It can occur to anybody at any point of time as we are exposed continuosly to various contaminants from air and food and drinks.
It is not necessarily be due to HIV/STI. Even during massage, close contact can pose a risk for Throat infection due to Bacteria.
Dr S.Murugan