Can You Recommend A Tablet For Erectile Dysfunction?
Thank you for your query.
Your question is a good one.
From a medical standpoint there is very little evidence that any over the counter preparations work well to stimulate sex drive or erections. There are some products which basically act as stimulants and the stimulant effect may bring about improved length of erections. In your case, there is a psychological component that may be playing a role and I think you can get past that with some confidence building efforts. Your confidence will improve as you experience more sessions of intercourse with satisfactory performance.
Regarding the stimulant medications - Yohimbine is the one which comes to mind. You could perhaps use a trial of this to see if it helps. Outside of that, I hope you are exercising at least 5 times per week and maintaining good cardiovascular health. This is a key component to good sex. Also - adequate sleep is very important. If you sleep less than 7 hours per night it will have an impact on your performance.
Lastly, you should also consider a trial of the Viagra or Levitra as these are safe, effective and may also help to boost your confidence levels after discussing with your doctor, such that in the future you may have fewer concerns with achieving and maintaining an erection.
Rest assured you are not alone and this is a common issue in men of all ages.
I thank you again for submitting your query. I hope you found my response to be both helpful and adequate. Should you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga.