Chances Of Getting STD From Oral Sex?
I am a male and I recently got an oral job (BJ) from a stripper. This happened for around 15 min. What are the odds for getting any STD's like HIV, Syphilis or any other disease? When should I get any tests done (If required)?
Note: I am not sexually active since 2 years and this is the first time I got it from a stripper
Thanks for the query. I apologize for the delayed response.
1. Risk of STD's and HIV following an unprotected sexual intercourse varies.
a) It has very minimal to almost no risk of HIV transmission. Only if the performer's saliva is contaminated with blood and if you have mild abrasion on your genital organs this possibility exists. So you need not worry about this.
b) Regarding STD also, the receiver of oral sex is more at risk than the giver. If the performer has some lesion in the mouth like ulcer or vesicles, then there are chances for the same to be transmitted. Otherwise oral sex is comparatively safer than penetrative sex.
2. Regarding the testing, I recommend all my patients with history unprotected exposure with an unknown partner to go through testing once after 12 weeks. This is to make sure that we rule out the very remote possibility.
In brief, I do not foresee any serious implication from your current encounter. However I do suggest testing after 12 weeks. And please always practice safe sex with unknown partner.
Hope this answers your query. Let me know if I can assist you with any other queries.
Dr S.Murugan
a) Does performing Cunnilingus on a woman having HIV transfer the diseases to the performer? What are the odds?
b) What are the chances of HIV when someone lick woman breasts? When is it transferred?
I am asking you in order to be safe from next time around. I apologize if I did not frame these questions properly. Thank you
Welcome back with your feed back questions.
Estimated Per-Act Probability of Acquiring HIV from an Infected Source, by Exposure Act
Type of Exposure Risk per 10,000
Blood Transfusion 9,000 b
Needle-sharing during injection drug use 67 c
Percutaneous (needle-stick) 30 d
Receptive anal intercourse 50 e, f
Receptive penile-vaginal intercourse 10 e, f, g
Insertive anal intercourse 6.5 e, f
Insertive penile-vaginal intercourse 5 e, f
Receptive oral intercourse low e, i
Insertive oral intercourse low e, i
Even with insertive sexual exposure, the risk is only 5 out of 0000 only. Receptive oral sex, the risk is very low even in case of felatio. With cunnilingus the risk is almost nil.
Similarly licking of breast is not at all risky for HIV. If she is a lactating woman then there may be very low infectivity, if the act continues for months.
This information will help you to save guard yourself in future.
Good luck to you.
Dr S.Murugan