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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
I have gone through the reports. Please find my answers below-
1) What are the chances of Recurrence of any other complications or cancer after suffering from ALL at the age of 9 Years and
Meningioma at the age of 23 Years?
A. Chances of recurrence of ALL is almost none, however, other late adverse effects, including secondary cancers (like
acute myeloid leukemia,
myelodysplastic syndrome and other brain tumors) are possible. The total risk is about 3% in next 10 years.
Chances of recurrence of meningioma is also there but low after a complete resection. In a single series of 1799 meningiomas from 1582 patients followed for an average of 13 years after resection, the nonrecurrence rate was 93% of WHO grade I tumors, 65% of WHO II, and 27.3% of WHO III. In her, though it is not mentioned, it appears to be grade I meningioma.
(2) What is the
Survival Rate / 10 Years / 15 Years / 20 Years?
A. Survival rates are expected to be above 90% across the time points.
(3) Is it OK to go ahead with Marriage Proposals Now?
A. This you have to decide based upon the above facts.
(4) If after marriage, will their be any problem with conceiving due to use of heavy medicines in the past via
radiation and Meningioma surgery.
A. Quite possible to have ovarian insufficiency due to high dose chemo given earlier. This can be checked before marriage.
(5) Any other expert opinion you think necessary to provide?
A. I think that is all. If you have any further queries, then please post as followup query.
Note: For further queries related to kidney problems
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