Child Born With Incomplete Palm. Suggestion?
pl do the needful. But I am not getting option to upload the photos in the site.
Thanks for writing to healthcare magic.
I did see the three photos which you had uploaded.
From what I can understand, this condition is called symbrachydactyly.
Here the fingers may be fused and less developed from birth. This is a genetic problem which occurs in usually one limb due to decreased formation of tissueson that limb.
Usually the aim is to make the child independent and help using his hands effectively. Do consult a plastic surgeon, sometimes surgeries can be helpful to some extent in deepening the webs between individual fingers. Surgery can also restore some finger elements with bone graft. But it is impossible to get normal hand with full function.
As you have mentioned this problem may be associated with heart problems, which needs regular follow ups and treatment as indicated.
Do rule out kidney problems too with ultrasound if not done already.
Hope I answered your query .
Do contact if you need any more help.