Child Coughing For A Week, Worsens At Night, No Fever, Sweaty Forehead. Taken Cough Syrup
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Cough syrup only dilute the sputum for easy expectoration. Anti-allergic component of it can suppress cough, & can give some relief if cough have allergic component.
As your daughter has been coughing for more than a week, she is probably suffering with some throat pain, consult an ENT specialist, otherwise consult a Pediatrician, get her examined and treat as per prescription.
Please ask her to avoid cold water/drinks, chocolates and oily food.
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Hope you found my response to your query informative and helpful.
If you have further concerns in this regard, I would be happy to discuss those with you as well.
With good wishes,
Dr.Chandra Shekhar Sharma