Child Fell Down. Swollen Bump Appeared On Skull. Should I Visit Emergency Room?
I put ice she cried and then fell a sleep
Do I need to go to emergency room!?
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Since there is only a swollen bump & the baby is otherwise doing well, also the type of injury is not severe, you can keep a watch on her. You might be tempted to take a CT brain, but do remember that it might be a lot of unnecessary radiation exposure to your baby.
Look for danger signs like:
Lack of eye contact
Not feeding satisfactorily.
If any of these is present, immediately take her to the emergency.
Don't worry, she will be alright, being a physician yourself it would be easy for you to monitor the baby. Just make sure that baby's bed has side railings so that such events don't occur in future.
Hope the information was useful. If you have any further queries I am happy to answer. Otherwise, kindly close the query & rate it.
Dr. Balaji Chinnasami, MD
Assistant Professor-Pediatrics.