Child Has Neck Pain, MRI Showed Disc Dessication. Done Physical Therapy And Acupuncture. Does He Need To See A Specialist?
I understand your concern.
The recent studies have demonstrated lower rates of identifiable disease when a child presents to ER with back pain. Even after extensive work up they could not find the actual cause to treat. The incidence of back and neck pain in children is unknown. However the average prevalence rate is between 12% to 50% from Age 11 to 15 yrs of age. Almost 50% of these symptomatic children were found to have disc changes. Hence the doctors would be clueless what should be best way to treat such children. The traditional therapy includes physical therapy, massages and pain relief techniques. Accupuncture is one such.
Due care should be take that he is not injured during sport, learn proper techniques so that too much stress is not on the spine and neck.
According to American Journal of Neuro Radiology the parents should be worried about certain 'RED FLAGS' such as pain in prepubertal children, especially <5 years of age; acute trauma; progression of symptoms with time; functional disability; pain lasting >4 weeks; history of malignancy or tuberculosis exposure; recurrent or worsening pain; early morning stiffness and/or gelling; night pain that prevents or disrupts sleep; radicular pain; fever; weight loss; malaise; postural changes (eg, kyphosis or scoliosis); and limp or altered gait.
Also there are certain red flags for doctors like fever, high pulse rate, wt loss, abnormal shape of spine etc. Your son might not have any of them hence the doctors are not concerned.
Neck and back pain are still a challenge to treat for medical community. You may take the help of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon which can open up a new perspective.
Hope this helps. If you have further query please post me here.