Child Is Having Vaginal Bleeding With Pain. Putting Daktozin On Vagina. What Treatment Is Required?
Any idea? I am planning on taking her to our local GP tomorrow morning.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for consulting us.
Her symptoms of pain & bleeding are surely abnormal. You must seek advise from a pediatrician or GP as soon as possible.
Bleeding from clitoris may have resulted from some local trauma which was probably out of your knowledge.
If she is bleeding from vagina then this may be a result of abnormal hormone production which need investigation & treatment.
If her urination is painful then the cause can be a stone in urinary tract or some local irritation due to trauma. This also need to be investigated & appropriately treated.
or she may have scratched the area due to irritation from a local infection ( e.g. fungal, nappy rash or dryness) & this raw area is now painful & causing her to behave like that.
So, better take her to a doctor for an expert opinion.
Take care