Child Is Overweight. Stomach Looks Like Pregnant. Taking Miralax. How To Lose Weight?
Thank you for posting a query.
First off all, she is overweight for her age group. You are telling that her stomach is like a pregnant woman. It can be due to many cause. But in her case, I think it is a type of built caused by her overweight. But, some other disease condition like any bony abnormality (lumber lordosis) should be excluded first. For this, a simple X-ray of lumber region is enough. As, all the hormonal assessments gave normal result, I think she has no disease condition.
Secondly, you are doing a mistake. She is in her growing age group. She needs different types of micro and micronutrients. Some of them are fat soluble (A, D, E, K) and are very much important for our body to perform normally. If she is taking fat free diet, she may develop deficiency of these very important agents. This may result in very critical disease condition. So, you should give her at least some dietary supplements containing vitamins like A, D, E, K.
She has constipation. Most important thing in this condition is giving her a high fiber diet. I mean to say about the XXXXXXX leafy vegetables and other high fiber foods. If required, give her some warm water in morning. It will initiate a bowel movement.
Lastly, yes, you should consult with her doctor as per appointment. You can also consult about my points.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.
Thank you for writing back.
Look, as she has no bony abnormality, then there is no problem.
In her age group, you should continue the physical activity. I think that will be enough. And, right now, you do not have any other option. Because, no anti-cellulite or anti - obesity drug can be prescribed for her. So, physical activity is the only way for reduction of body weight..
But, you should give her a balanced nutritious diet. That is very important for her physical and mental development.
Lastly, just keep her active, and give her a balanced and nutritious diet.
Hope you have your answers.