Child Stated Vomiting And Redness Appeared On Face. Is This Normal?
thanks for the query.
The presentation of your daughter is not normal and warrants adequate investigation and care.
Vomiting in as much as its a general symptom, more often than not indicates a digestive affection which could be infectious, allergic or due to obstruction.
Infections will present with elevated body temperatures especially with bacterial infections and with abdominal pains.
Allergic conditions generally could present with additional features such as redness on the skin like what she is presenting with. Allergy could be to a food type or drug recently taken in. Food poisoning also could explain her presentation.
Intestinal parasites such as worms are also known to cause vomiting.
What you should do is;
If she is having elevated temperature you should take her to the hospital,
If temperature is normal, give much fluids ( oral re-hydration solution or much soup) to replace the lost fluid. if she is very weak and unable to drink, it implies she is very de-hydrated and you should seek medial care.
However, the ideal situation will be to take her to the hospital for evaluation and possible tests such as complete blood count, stool tests etc.
Hope this helps and answers your query. If you have more query, i will be ready to help.
Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery.