Child With Chest Pain. Due To Cramps?
Thanks for posting your query.
I would suggest that your son be seen by a paediatrician who can evaluate him completely and prescribe appropriate therapy.
Patients with heart failure generally complain of breathlessness and fatigue and it is unlikely that your son is suffering from this condition. When the heart pumps very forcefully, patients often complain of “punches” that cause headache. The heart forcefully when there is a large amount of blood flowing through some defect in septa or the valves of the heart. If this occurs everytime the heart beats, this state is called a hyperdynamic circulation and is commonly seen in anaemia and patients with septal or valvular lesions.
As such, growing cramps don’t cause heart thrusts.
As I believe that more information helps physicians arrive at an accurate diagnosis, I would request you to answer the following questions:
1. How long does it hurt and how often does it hurt?
2. What is the weight of the kid?
Additionally, the following investigations need to be done
1. Chest Xray
2. Electrocardiogram or ECG
If these investigations are abnormal, a colour doppler study of heart may be needed.
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further queries.