Child With Fever, Cough And Swollen Belly. Given 5mg Ibuprofen. What Is The Disease And Its Cure?
His fever was 101. He has been really nonenergetic, and has had a horrible cough. He hasn't had diarrhea or vomiting which is why the bloated stomach concerns me. I've given him 5mg of children's Ibuprofen, rubbed Vicks vaporub on his feet, and had him sleeping with a humidifier. His snot is clear. and he coughed a lot last night, by he didn't really seem sick until today. Then the symptoms (that I described) seemed to come on fast and strong.
This doesn't look like flu at all. He has a sort of cough which may have been aggravated by changed weather. Often flu has nose symptoms in children.
Even otherwise, his cough being more at night is likely to be related to airway spasm. Such issues often respond to bronchodilator nebulisations. Such spasm or cough may get precipitated by ibuprofen too.
Presence of fever with cough, does seem like a seasonal viral fever, which need not be flu all the time. Non energetic is due to fever and reduced intake. Bloated stomach is likely to be related to acidity or troubled cough or breathing.
If fever persists he may need a strept test. Also antiseptic gargles do help.
Ensure adequate water intake. Discuss the same with your doctor.
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