Chronic Bilateral Knee Pain, Stage Four Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, On Oxycodone, Xanax. Treatment ?
Thanks for posting your query.
I presume that you have been taking these drugs for some time and you are comfortable in using these drugs.
The medicines you want me to prescribe are all prescription only drugs.
I am sorry I currently have no legal support to prescribe medicines online. The scripts that an online physician writes are not accepted at your local pharmacy. It is not yet recognised by the American Telemedicine association norms. This is because any pharmacy should enter the physician licence number before dispensing the drugs.
Since I haven’t physically examined you, it is inappropriate and unethical to
prescribe you scheduled drugs that you can order online. I am bound by the rules of law to not to give any online prescriptions. Hence you will have to see the physician for the medicines that you require.
Sorry for not being to be of assistance to you at this point of time.
Wishing you good health.
Thanks for writing again.
The drugs you are taking are strictly prescription only drugs. It is not reliable to order these through some unknown websites as you can never know what are they supplying you.
Till the time you get these prescriptions, you can try having over the counter available analgesics and do hot fomentation of the painful joints. Applying local analgesic gels will also be helpful.
Hope my answer is helpful. Write back if you have further queries.
Wishing you a trouble free speedy recovery.