Constipation, Piles, Sweating On Eating Spicy Food. Using Homeopathic, Laxative Medication. Treatment For Constipation?
Sweating while eating spicy food is common as the two process of sweating and salivation/ taste sensation are modulated by similar nerves and brain nuclei.
Acne may be the side effect of the drugs that you are taking
Constipation can be because of -
1) Slow colonic motility - usually needs continuing treatment with prokinetics and laxatives
2) Pelvic dysfunction - where there is inco-ordination between and among the pelvic muscles and the abdominal muscles making evacuation difficult. This is managed by bio-feed back exercises
3) Secondary to other diseases like hypothyroidism, anal fissure or a colonic obstructing lesion. Treatment involves correction of the cause
Hence a good history examination and few tests by your GI should be able to identify the type and then help you accordingly.
Develop a good toilet hygeine like a fixed shedule preferably soon after awakening and after eating food.
Regarding diet it should be a high fibre diet with lots of salad and a good amount of liquids. Avoid smoking and intake of alcohol