Could 3 Containers Of Ensure Daily Plus Chocolate Milk Cause High Bad Cholesterol?
No, not generally
Detailed Answer:
XXX, How much chocolate milk and is it full fat or low-fat? Is this all he is getting per day in terms of calories? It may not be enough that is why I asked about whether he is taking other drinks. To answer your question, 3 cans of Ensure will not cause problems. The chocolate milk will depend on if it is whole milk full of saturated fat that turns into cholesterol. Is his cancer in remission? There is a relationship between uncontrolled cholesterol and cancer. I wish I could help more, but at least you have the answer to your question. If you would like to clarify how much total he is getting and of what I can give you more accurate answer. Thank you for coming to HCM and feel free to write back if you would like to add additional information to the above. Do you have your lipid readings in front of you? If you write back, kindly tell me what they are. XXXXXXX Shattler, MS,RDN