Question: palpable lymph nodes in armpit,posterior cervical, submandibular, and supraclavicular areas. Hi there, I am an 18 year old fit and healthy male I am 6"2 and relatively slim. i have had a small 1cm soft rubbery,movable bump(probably lymph node) on my
trapezius muscle for at least a few years with no apparent growth so i never really worried about that one. Two months ago I noticed a small bump under my chin and found two very small lymph nodes next to each other largest was about 1 cm, after persistence of about 3 weeks I saw my GP who after a brief 2 min examination ordered a round of antibiotics because he though they were due to the
acne on my face. A week passed while taking the antibiotics and I noticed that one of the lymph nodes decreased slightly(2-3mm)on the fourth day in but not again after that. After some research I felt my armpits and other regions of my neck and found another sausage shaped,rubbery,highly movable, lymph node in my left armpit which again was about 1cm in length. So I went and saw my GP and he ordered a
blood test which came back fine. A week later I found another 2 easily movable, smooth, and rubbery 1cm lymph nodes in my posterior cervical region on the left side of my neck. This was concerning because from what Ive gathered on the internet lower neck lymph nodes swell usually due to malignancies. So I freaked out and asked my doc for a referral to a surgeon for
biopsy. Yesterday was my appointment with the surgeon, he felt the lymph nodes in my neck and armpits and decided he wasnt concerned and that we should wait 3 months to see if they grow before doing a biopsy. However I forgot to tell him about the lymph node on my trapezius muscle and I dont think he felt the largest lymph node in my lower right underarm(2cm, easily movable, and rubbery) so now I am left wondering if he would have been surprised by these lymph nodes and instead done a biopsy. Now the thing is I havent been having any other symptoms and my blood tests have been fine thus far. Most of the nodes are all 1cm or smaller, painless, rubbery, and highly movable and I have no idea how long some of them have been there because Ive never looked for them, I only found them when I searched thoroughly through every inch of these parts. another thing is that my left shoulder has been sore on and off, so I am wondering if that 1cm node on my trapezius(thats been there for at least a year) could have been causing the pain and if so is actually something serious, and if it is due to the fact that my brain is so close if it is
lymphoma it could spread to my brain as well. I know I sound a little hypochondriac but this is the first time in my life I've been this worried and anxious about something. I hear about so many misdiagnosis on the web with regards to lymphoma and they really freak me out so I cant help but wonder if I fall into the category or whether I should just trust my doctor and surgeon. On one hand they(doctor and surgeon) know what theyre doing, and none of my lymph nodes are that big or have been growing, blood tests are fine, no symptoms, nor do I know how long alot of these have been around etc. On the other I am worried that this could be an indolant lymphoma that could spread to my brain due to the fact that one lymph node is so close, plus the nodes themselves are painless and rubbery(another sign of lymphoma), an indolant lymphoma would also explain my lack of symptoms as well. Should I get a third opinion from another doctor or am I just worrying unnecessarily?
also, i have also noticed that a chain of 3 lymph nodes all under 1cm are palpable from my lower left posterior cervical region down to just above my supraclavicular area. i have done research and it says these are usually malignant so now I am very worried. They are all small,painless, rubbery, and movable.
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