Question: Hi doctor, I am 30 year old female.gage birth to baby via c section on may 23. I was constipated on 9th and 10th of August and had hard stool on 11th and I felt like little blood on tissue but I couldn't confirm...however the next day on 12th I had
blood in stool and on tissue paper too as I attached the pic(picture with lot of blood on tissue), I went to my ob on same day and she checked with digital rectal exam and told she doesn't see any blood or hemorrhoids when checked. She told it might be a year and asked to use
metamucil and colace... The next day I did have blood in stool again(initially it was fine but when I did a second push I had blood at the end of the poop I had little stabbing/pinching needle like pain when passing it) and little on tissue as I attached in the picture... after that it didn't repeat and I did start taking colace and metamucil from that Saturday and I have been taking it...however not sure when exactly it started but the feeling of rectal pressure as if I had to go for a BM started...sometimes if I fart it goes away ,sometime there is nothing to fart/or BM... It's sometimes continuous some times it is kon existent... I had this kind of feeling three times in my entire
pregnancy and my ob told it might be because of my placenta location and baby position... I am currently
breastfeeding..before this all started my water intake dropped to 1liter a day and I did eat lot of outside food.. I have been to
proctologist yesterday on 23 August and mentioned everything to him... he checked with an anoscope or something (not sure exactly but used something other than finger) and he told everything looks fine inside... I asked him about rectal pressure and he was like give it sometime ..increase water intake and keep taking metamucil and miralax or colace... He didn't even bother...but I am so stressed what if it is
colon cancer or something.. I am so stressed as I didn't get any answers from his appointment and that is why I am approaching you as a
second opinion... I do have acide reflex/gerd and so I take pepcid every night... I did have blood in stool once in 2019 September (when my first child was around 6 months) and doctor told it was hemorrhoid and I was very constipated and had hard stools back then ... But I dont remember having any rectal pressure... I am trying to go for second opinions but nothing available until November or October is just stressing me out... Please help me in pointing right direction and path.. no family history ... Yes my diet was very very low on fiber and my water intake was a bit low.. now I'm trying to drink atleast 1.30-2 litres... I do feel burning in the anus for sometime after having a BM... I feel like I still have something in back of my rectum and want to push it out... No fever I do have little lightheadedness/fatigue