Could You Please Do Analyses My Annual Health Reoprt?
Surprisingly, my B12 levels are on the higher side, which is unexpected as I am a pure vegetarian. Normally, I am B12 deficient and take B12 supplements, but for the past few months, I haven't been taking them regularly. I'm unsure if this is a major concern. Could it be due to lesser water intake?
Thank you for your attention and guidance
I suggest to repeat Vit B12 test after a couple of days.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query and your attached report.
Most of your test results are within the range.You are a healthy person.
I will discuss only two or three results that can be important to take in consideration.
1.Your hsCRP and LDL test results show that you may have an increased risc for cardiovascular diseases in the future.For this reason i recommend to start or maintain an healthy lifestyle. regular exercises,weight loss if you are overweight,low trans fat diet ,no cigarettes and stress management are important to significantly reduce the risc of dangerous cardiovascular events in the future.
2.Your eGFR results may be indicative of an mild chronic kidney disease.If you have not a known kidney condition,regular kidney test every 3-6 months are important to conclude the diagnosis and to follow up your condition.
3.I agree with you that you have an elevated Vit B12 level.
This can be a false positive result,caused by dehydration but this is not a common cause for high VitB12.
At the other side considering your vegetarian diet and that you have not recent ingestion or injection of supplemental vitamin B12 for months i would say that it is better to repeat this test before considdering other potential causes of eleveted cobalamin.
Let me know the result(if you decide to repeat Vit B12 test) and i will be happy to guide you further.
Dubin-Jonson syndrome is a genetic condition ,it explain your bilirubin results and it is not a major concern because it doesn’t affect a person’s lifespan and treatement usually is not necessary.
To conclude i would say that in general you are a healthy person.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is all you need.
Hope this is helpful.
Take care.
I have a follow up query, could using creatine supplement can impact egfr result ?
I am into weight trainings, mainly muscle building and i do consume 3mg of creatine everyday.
Creatine supplement can cause kidney test abnormalities.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again.
I appologise for the late reply.
Creatine supplement can help you build muscle mass and improve mental performance.
At the other side you should know that No creatine supplement has yet been approved for use by Food and Drug Administration and high-dosis or long-term use can be dangerous.
The most commos side effect that you can have taking moderate-high dosis of creatine supplement is kidney damage.
Since creatine supplementation may increase creatinine levels, it may act as a false indicator of renal dysfunction.
To resume : Your borderline-high creatinine level and your slighty decressed eGFR level can be caused by your creatine supplement.
These test results can "go back" to normal range levels if you stop taking creatine supplement.
The effect of supplement in kidney function is reversible.
Anyway it is always important to weight the benefits and riscs of taking supplements for long time.
Hope i have clarified all your doubts.
Wish you all the best.
You're wellcome!
Detailed Answer:
Glad to be of help.