Dandruff, Oily Skin, Sweating. What Is The Solution?
Iam suffering from dandruff for past 1 year.
I have consulted a doctor, he has suggested some shampoo and an ointment.
But that remained as a temp. solution.
dandruff strated once as soon as i stopped the shampoo.
Iam living in salt water area, chennai.Iam taking bath thrice a week.
Iam of oily skin type, but not too much of sweting.
Please advise a parmanent solution.
Thanks for writing in.
Dandruff is a tendency which is seen in people with oily skin. It is produced by a combination of oil secretion (which is normally present on the scalp), environmental pollution (which leads to the formation of flakes) and a fungal infection. This fungus is also normally present on everybody's scalp. In persons with oily skin, it increases and multiplies.
Since the kind of skin you have cannot be changed, there is no permanent cure for dandruff.
I would suggest the following:
1. Use an anti dandruff shampoo like Nizoral 2% regularly twice week. This needs to be applied to the scalp 20 minutes before you have a bath.
2. Try to use good, salt free water to rinse scalp
3. You can use a simple anti fungal like tablet Fluconazole. 150 mg once a week for 8 weeks.
4. Don't apply oil to scalp. If needed, use only for hair.
I hope I have addressed your concerns.
Wishing you a good health
Prasad pvs