Dark Purple Spots Underneath Tongue, Irregularly Shaped Spot On Face, Smoker Since Long. Aging Process Or Concern For Cancer?
Thanks for posting your query.
The dark purple spots under the tongue might be normal if asymptomatic and no pain, ulceration accompanied.
Even the brown spot or nevus on face may be a benign age related change. The features of a melanoma are that they are mostly hyper-pigmented lesions, asymmetrical, irregular borders and usually more than five mm or an increasing size.
Smoking does predispose him to cancer. For confirmation of diagnosis you should get him checked by a Dermatologist or an orofaciomaxillary surgeon and be safe than sorry.
I won't say that his symptoms are suggestive of cancer but regular checkups in high risk patients are very much recommended.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.