Dear Dr Harshita, I Have Been Diagnosed Right Eye Epiretinal

I have been diagnosed right eye epiretinal membrane in early Feb this year and has progressed quite rapidly. My first and latest OCT uploaded. My vision is now 20/40. I will soon proceed to surgery. I have some questions and wish to seek further expert advice –
1. What is the extent of severity of my ERM? The fovea thickness has increase from 333 to 397 within just 2 months. What is / are the reasons for such rapid progress? Can you tell whether my case is simple or complicated for surgery? With rapid progression, I am concerned about the possible complications for surgery.
2. I have consulted two doctors. The first one said I can choose complete or partial vitrectomy. He said complete vitrectomy lead to cataract faster, partial vitrectomy can delay cataract but I will have some floaters left. But 2nd doctor advised complete vitrectomy. Which option is more advisable? How to choose? What factors to consider?
3. What are other pros and cons of complete vitrectomy vs partial vitrectomy? My doctor said complete vitrectomy may lead to increase in intraocular pressure in the longer term? Is this risk lower if I choose partial vitrectomy?
4. Do I have edema based on OCT? One doctor said no while the other said a bit. I am confused.
5. For the prognosis after surgery, what is the extent of improvement can I expect over time, in terms of improvement in metamorphopsia and visual acuity respectively?Will my vision be worse than before surgery in the initial period right after surgery? When will I start to see notable improvement in vision ?
6. Besides accelerated cataract, any long term complications/risks of other eye diseases (e.g. glaucoma, retinal detachment, macular hole, macular degeneration or other eye disease) after doing the ERM surgery?
I am indeed worried about the risk and possible complications of surgery and prognosis. Thanks in advance for your expert advice.

I have been diagnosed right eye epiretinal membrane in early Feb this year and has progressed quite rapidly. My first and latest OCT uploaded. My vision is now 20/40. I will soon proceed to surgery. I have some questions and wish to seek further expert advice –
1. What is the extent of severity of my ERM? The fovea thickness has increase from 333 to 397 within just 2 months. What is / are the reasons for such rapid progress? Can you tell whether my case is simple or complicated for surgery? With rapid progression, I am concerned about the possible complications for surgery.
2. I have consulted two doctors. The first one said I can choose complete or partial vitrectomy. He said complete vitrectomy lead to cataract faster, partial vitrectomy can delay cataract but I will have some floaters left. But 2nd doctor advised complete vitrectomy. Which option is more advisable? How to choose? What factors to consider?
3. What are other pros and cons of complete vitrectomy vs partial vitrectomy? My doctor said complete vitrectomy may lead to increase in intraocular pressure in the longer term? Is this risk lower if I choose partial vitrectomy?
4. Do I have edema based on OCT? One doctor said no while the other said a bit. I am confused.
5. For the prognosis after surgery, what is the extent of improvement can I expect over time, in terms of improvement in metamorphopsia and visual acuity respectively?Will my vision be worse than before surgery in the initial period right after surgery? When will I start to see notable improvement in vision ?
6. Besides accelerated cataract, any long term complications/risks of other eye diseases (e.g. glaucoma, retinal detachment, macular hole, macular degeneration or other eye disease) after doing the ERM surgery?
I am indeed worried about the risk and possible complications of surgery and prognosis. Thanks in advance for your expert advice.
High myopia should also be considered
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your question.
Your ERM is not that severe as your vision is good and the report you sent me also shows a fine ERM with very mild macular edema . High myopia is a risk factor for development and progression of such kind of membranes . High myopia complicates the picture of ERM surgery little bit but in a good hand you should be safe . In a simple ERM we usually do partial vitrectomy and leave the peripheral part as ERM is in the central area only . Metamorphopsia should definitely improve and visual acuity would be saved after surgery . As you said the vision is decreasing and with time ERM is increasing so vision could decrease further as ERM progresses. In the initial period after surgery you will have hazy vision as we inject gas into the eye after peeling of the membrane which remains in the eye for a month or so after that vision will gradually clear . There is a risk of development of cataract after vitrectomy surgery and in every high myopia case we have a risk of retinal detachment and glaucoma but perse due to surgery the risk of these are very low . I would like to ask you dear if you have a lot of problems in your vision and were the scans done on the same oct machine . hope my answer helps you . Get well soon .
If you have any follow up queries please feel free to ask i would be happy to answer . Regards

High myopia should also be considered
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your question.
Your ERM is not that severe as your vision is good and the report you sent me also shows a fine ERM with very mild macular edema . High myopia is a risk factor for development and progression of such kind of membranes . High myopia complicates the picture of ERM surgery little bit but in a good hand you should be safe . In a simple ERM we usually do partial vitrectomy and leave the peripheral part as ERM is in the central area only . Metamorphopsia should definitely improve and visual acuity would be saved after surgery . As you said the vision is decreasing and with time ERM is increasing so vision could decrease further as ERM progresses. In the initial period after surgery you will have hazy vision as we inject gas into the eye after peeling of the membrane which remains in the eye for a month or so after that vision will gradually clear . There is a risk of development of cataract after vitrectomy surgery and in every high myopia case we have a risk of retinal detachment and glaucoma but perse due to surgery the risk of these are very low . I would like to ask you dear if you have a lot of problems in your vision and were the scans done on the same oct machine . hope my answer helps you . Get well soon .
If you have any follow up queries please feel free to ask i would be happy to answer . Regards

The two OCT were done on the same machine. While my RE vision is not too bad but the problem of metamorphopsia affect my daily life and work. I feel my RE and LE vision unbalanced and not aligned and this makes me feel uneasy and unnatural. The feeling is somewhat like you are not wearing a proper nearsightedness glasses with great differences between LE and RE. Sometimes I feel somewhat like double vision for some images.
I have some further questions and grateful for your advice-
1. You said “in a simple ERM we usually do partial vitrectomy and leave the peripheral part as ERM is in the central area only .” But is there a risk that the peripheral vitreous left behind will increase the risk of retinal tear and detachment?
2. I understand that complete vitrectomy accelerate cataract faster than partial vitrectomy. Apart from this, are there other cons of complete vitrectomy compared to partial vitrectomy? What would you advise, complete vs partial vitrectomy, weighing benefits and risks?
3. My doctor said no need to inject gas in my case, and not injecting gas will not affect my recovery. Is gas injection necessary for mild ERM?
4. How much improvement in visual acuity can I expect after surgery ? As regards metamorphopsia, unbalanced and unaligned vision of RE and LE I am experiencing, can I expect substantial improvement after surgery? Can you share your clinical experience?
5. You mentioned “in every high myopia case we have a risk of retinal detachment and glaucoma but perse due to surgery the risk of these are very low .” Do you mean the the risk of retinal detachment and glaucoma due to ERM surgery is very low. Only that the risk is due to high myopia, regardless having ERM surgery or not?
6. My understanding is that ERM will not resolve on its own and surgery is the only way to cure it. Also the longer I wait, the thicker the membrane will grow and it will be more difficult to peel off the membrane and may lead to more complications in surgery. Am I correct? If so, my thinking is that since I already have symptoms affecting my vision and my life, in particular my work, I chose to do surgery now. Any advice or points for me to note?
7. For care after surgery, I understand that one complication is infection and so I need to take good care to avoid infection. What specific things I should do or not do after surgery, especially those things that we will easily overlook? What other care do I need to take after surgery? What should I pay attention to?
Thanks again in advance for your expert advice

The two OCT were done on the same machine. While my RE vision is not too bad but the problem of metamorphopsia affect my daily life and work. I feel my RE and LE vision unbalanced and not aligned and this makes me feel uneasy and unnatural. The feeling is somewhat like you are not wearing a proper nearsightedness glasses with great differences between LE and RE. Sometimes I feel somewhat like double vision for some images.
I have some further questions and grateful for your advice-
1. You said “in a simple ERM we usually do partial vitrectomy and leave the peripheral part as ERM is in the central area only .” But is there a risk that the peripheral vitreous left behind will increase the risk of retinal tear and detachment?
2. I understand that complete vitrectomy accelerate cataract faster than partial vitrectomy. Apart from this, are there other cons of complete vitrectomy compared to partial vitrectomy? What would you advise, complete vs partial vitrectomy, weighing benefits and risks?
3. My doctor said no need to inject gas in my case, and not injecting gas will not affect my recovery. Is gas injection necessary for mild ERM?
4. How much improvement in visual acuity can I expect after surgery ? As regards metamorphopsia, unbalanced and unaligned vision of RE and LE I am experiencing, can I expect substantial improvement after surgery? Can you share your clinical experience?
5. You mentioned “in every high myopia case we have a risk of retinal detachment and glaucoma but perse due to surgery the risk of these are very low .” Do you mean the the risk of retinal detachment and glaucoma due to ERM surgery is very low. Only that the risk is due to high myopia, regardless having ERM surgery or not?
6. My understanding is that ERM will not resolve on its own and surgery is the only way to cure it. Also the longer I wait, the thicker the membrane will grow and it will be more difficult to peel off the membrane and may lead to more complications in surgery. Am I correct? If so, my thinking is that since I already have symptoms affecting my vision and my life, in particular my work, I chose to do surgery now. Any advice or points for me to note?
7. For care after surgery, I understand that one complication is infection and so I need to take good care to avoid infection. What specific things I should do or not do after surgery, especially those things that we will easily overlook? What other care do I need to take after surgery? What should I pay attention to?
Thanks again in advance for your expert advice
Metamorphopsia should definitely improve post surgery
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up question . Metamorphospsia should definitely inprove after ERM peeling surgery. When i do an ERM surgery dear I check the peripheral retina in a very detailed fashion to rule out any tear or any hole and if present i laser it then and there only so leaving peripheral vitreous will not increase chance of detachment. I am more in favour of central vitrectomy and I always inject gas at the end of surgery if not gas atleastair i inject but air bubble will also stay for around ten days in the eye . Vision should remain stable post surgery but quality improves and so does metamorphopsia . Yes the risk of detachement perse due to surgery is not high but high myopia is a known risk factor for development of retinal holes and detachment .If the ERM affects the daily routine of the patient i always advise surgery . Post surgery you would be prescribed antibiotics and antinflammatory drugs for two to three weeks . If gas or air is injected you would not be able to air travel for the time the bubble is in the eye . You may have redness and irritation in eyes for few days after surgery . You should take rest for 1-2 weeks post surgery . Therefore dont worry and go ahead I think you will be fine . All the best . If you have any follow up queries kindly ask i would be happy to answer .

Metamorphopsia should definitely improve post surgery
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up question . Metamorphospsia should definitely inprove after ERM peeling surgery. When i do an ERM surgery dear I check the peripheral retina in a very detailed fashion to rule out any tear or any hole and if present i laser it then and there only so leaving peripheral vitreous will not increase chance of detachment. I am more in favour of central vitrectomy and I always inject gas at the end of surgery if not gas atleastair i inject but air bubble will also stay for around ten days in the eye . Vision should remain stable post surgery but quality improves and so does metamorphopsia . Yes the risk of detachement perse due to surgery is not high but high myopia is a known risk factor for development of retinal holes and detachment .If the ERM affects the daily routine of the patient i always advise surgery . Post surgery you would be prescribed antibiotics and antinflammatory drugs for two to three weeks . If gas or air is injected you would not be able to air travel for the time the bubble is in the eye . You may have redness and irritation in eyes for few days after surgery . You should take rest for 1-2 weeks post surgery . Therefore dont worry and go ahead I think you will be fine . All the best . If you have any follow up queries kindly ask i would be happy to answer .

i just got flu and bronchitis. , have cough, now on antibiotics. my erm surgery will take place on 23 april ie two days later. General anesthesia.
I wonder if i am suitable to proceed to surger given my physical conditions. Will there be increased risk?
Is it advisable to postpone my surgery?
I am also concerned if i will have an increased risk of infection to my surgery eye.
May i have your expert advice .

i just got flu and bronchitis. , have cough, now on antibiotics. my erm surgery will take place on 23 april ie two days later. General anesthesia.
I wonder if i am suitable to proceed to surger given my physical conditions. Will there be increased risk?
Is it advisable to postpone my surgery?
I am also concerned if i will have an increased risk of infection to my surgery eye.
May i have your expert advice .
You should postpone it dear
Detailed Answer:
hey thank for the follow up query . If you have flu and bronchitis you should postpone your surgery till you health gets better . Also you wont be able to take general anesthesia if you have flu . So first you should correct your general health and then get the surgery done . hope my answer helps you . Regards

You should postpone it dear
Detailed Answer:
hey thank for the follow up query . If you have flu and bronchitis you should postpone your surgery till you health gets better . Also you wont be able to take general anesthesia if you have flu . So first you should correct your general health and then get the surgery done . hope my answer helps you . Regards

You said "you wont be able to take general anesthesia if you have flu .". What are the particular concerns?
I am getting better now. if my cough stops on surgery day. is it still advisable to postpone surgery? If postpone, should I wait until I have fully recovered from flu and bronchitis?
Also, what are the risks if I proceed with the eye surgery if I have not fully recovered?
Appreciate your expert advice

You said "you wont be able to take general anesthesia if you have flu .". What are the particular concerns?
I am getting better now. if my cough stops on surgery day. is it still advisable to postpone surgery? If postpone, should I wait until I have fully recovered from flu and bronchitis?
Also, what are the risks if I proceed with the eye surgery if I have not fully recovered?
Appreciate your expert advice
There can be difficulties with the general anesthesia
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up. When a patient has inefection we dont usually operate as then there is always risk of infection spreading . Secondly with the flu and bronchitis your anesthesiologist may have difficulties in inserting and taking out the tube for anesthesia and there are chances of aspiration too . During pre anesthetic check up they will check all of this and if you have bronchitis and flu they may postpone the surgery . I operate ERM under local anesthesia but even I have problem when patient has bronchitis as they can involuntary cough during surgery or may want to move or because of the drape over their eye have difficulty in breathing and not co operate for surgery . These are difficulties with bronchitis and flu and if you are okay before the surgery then no problems you should get it done but do please clear the respiratory tract infection first dear.hope my answer helps you . Regards

There can be difficulties with the general anesthesia
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up. When a patient has inefection we dont usually operate as then there is always risk of infection spreading . Secondly with the flu and bronchitis your anesthesiologist may have difficulties in inserting and taking out the tube for anesthesia and there are chances of aspiration too . During pre anesthetic check up they will check all of this and if you have bronchitis and flu they may postpone the surgery . I operate ERM under local anesthesia but even I have problem when patient has bronchitis as they can involuntary cough during surgery or may want to move or because of the drape over their eye have difficulty in breathing and not co operate for surgery . These are difficulties with bronchitis and flu and if you are okay before the surgery then no problems you should get it done but do please clear the respiratory tract infection first dear.hope my answer helps you . Regards

1. You said we dont usually operate as then there is always risk of infection spreading. Does it mean that there is a risk of infecting my surgery eye, during the surgery or post-surgery? If so, the consequences could be disastrous?
2. If I still have mild cough when doing surgery, under general anesthesia, will I cough involuntarily? If I get better but still have mild cough or sore throat only, should still postpone surgery until full recovery?
3. You advise me to clear the respiratory tract infection first. Do you mean that even if my cough has subsided, if my respiratory tract infection still exist, I should postpone my surgery? How to ensure my respiratory tract infection is cleared?
4. I am now on antibiotics for two days and my GP will probably prescribe 2 – 3 days more antibiotics, which means that I am still taking antibiotics on the day of my surgery. From your experience, is it more safe to postpone my surgery until I have completed the antibiotics course?
5. I am weighing the risks and benefits of proceeding with surgery. My thinking is that if the consequences of the risks of going ahead with surgery as scheduled could be very severe, I dare not bear the risks. Any advice? If I postpone for one to two weeks, do you think my ERM will become worse given my rapid progression in just two moths.
6. A separate issue, can you tell from my earlier OCT whether my ERM is a simple or complicated case? I worry about possible complications for my surgery.
Many thanks again for your advice

1. You said we dont usually operate as then there is always risk of infection spreading. Does it mean that there is a risk of infecting my surgery eye, during the surgery or post-surgery? If so, the consequences could be disastrous?
2. If I still have mild cough when doing surgery, under general anesthesia, will I cough involuntarily? If I get better but still have mild cough or sore throat only, should still postpone surgery until full recovery?
3. You advise me to clear the respiratory tract infection first. Do you mean that even if my cough has subsided, if my respiratory tract infection still exist, I should postpone my surgery? How to ensure my respiratory tract infection is cleared?
4. I am now on antibiotics for two days and my GP will probably prescribe 2 – 3 days more antibiotics, which means that I am still taking antibiotics on the day of my surgery. From your experience, is it more safe to postpone my surgery until I have completed the antibiotics course?
5. I am weighing the risks and benefits of proceeding with surgery. My thinking is that if the consequences of the risks of going ahead with surgery as scheduled could be very severe, I dare not bear the risks. Any advice? If I postpone for one to two weeks, do you think my ERM will become worse given my rapid progression in just two moths.
6. A separate issue, can you tell from my earlier OCT whether my ERM is a simple or complicated case? I worry about possible complications for my surgery.
Many thanks again for your advice
You should finish the course of antibiotics
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up question. You should finish your course of antibiotics and get the respiratory infection cleared up. Your general physician will know when you dont have infection any more dear by listening to the chest sounds or by doing a hemogram aka blood cells test . We should not let any infection in body reach the eye because yes the results can be bad then so we operate when patient is fully healthy systemically . I do not think ERM will progress rapidly in one or two weeks . Your ERM is a simple one but your eye is myopic . The ERM doesnt make it a complicated case at all but myopia does . But in a good hand it will be all fine. hope my answer helps you. All the best . Regards

You should finish the course of antibiotics
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up question. You should finish your course of antibiotics and get the respiratory infection cleared up. Your general physician will know when you dont have infection any more dear by listening to the chest sounds or by doing a hemogram aka blood cells test . We should not let any infection in body reach the eye because yes the results can be bad then so we operate when patient is fully healthy systemically . I do not think ERM will progress rapidly in one or two weeks . Your ERM is a simple one but your eye is myopic . The ERM doesnt make it a complicated case at all but myopia does . But in a good hand it will be all fine. hope my answer helps you. All the best . Regards

Thanks for your advice. I have rescheduled the surgery to two weeks later. I am concerned that further delay would make my ERM worse, causing more complications to the surgery and poorer outcome. My questions/queries –
1. Do you think 2 weeks is sufficient for clearing my infection and proceed to surgery?
2. From my latest OCT report done in end March, lamellar holes can been seen. Will prolonged ERM lead to macular hole or retinal detachment?
3. Given my rapid progression from early February to end March comparing the two OCT, I am worried that further delay would cause more complications to my surgery and post surgery recovery. Any advice
4. You ealier said that my ERM is a simple one but my eye is myopic . The ERM doesnt make it a complicated case at all but myopia does . Could you explain a bit why myopic eye causes complications?
5. My current vision is about 20/40, what is the expected improvement after surgery?
May I have your advice and can you share your experience? Many thanks in advance

Thanks for your advice. I have rescheduled the surgery to two weeks later. I am concerned that further delay would make my ERM worse, causing more complications to the surgery and poorer outcome. My questions/queries –
1. Do you think 2 weeks is sufficient for clearing my infection and proceed to surgery?
2. From my latest OCT report done in end March, lamellar holes can been seen. Will prolonged ERM lead to macular hole or retinal detachment?
3. Given my rapid progression from early February to end March comparing the two OCT, I am worried that further delay would cause more complications to my surgery and post surgery recovery. Any advice
4. You ealier said that my ERM is a simple one but my eye is myopic . The ERM doesnt make it a complicated case at all but myopia does . Could you explain a bit why myopic eye causes complications?
5. My current vision is about 20/40, what is the expected improvement after surgery?
May I have your advice and can you share your experience? Many thanks in advance

Apart from the above queries, I have one more question. I now have bronchitis and severe cough in these few days. Wonder whether severe cough would cause my ERM to progress to macular hole or even retinal detachement?
I do not want to have further complications to my eye conditions during this healing period for my flu and bronchitis.
Thanks for your advice

Apart from the above queries, I have one more question. I now have bronchitis and severe cough in these few days. Wonder whether severe cough would cause my ERM to progress to macular hole or even retinal detachement?
I do not want to have further complications to my eye conditions during this healing period for my flu and bronchitis.
Thanks for your advice
No cough will not cause it to progress .
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up query . I think two weeks is sufficient for your infection to subside . Prolonged ERM does lead to macular pseudohole formation but Retinal detcahment is rare. Myopic eyes have a propensity for more retinal problems so operating on the myopic eye is difficult . In my experience the vision remains stable but metamorphopsia and quality of vision increases a lot . hope my answer helps you . All the best . Regards

No cough will not cause it to progress .
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up query . I think two weeks is sufficient for your infection to subside . Prolonged ERM does lead to macular pseudohole formation but Retinal detcahment is rare. Myopic eyes have a propensity for more retinal problems so operating on the myopic eye is difficult . In my experience the vision remains stable but metamorphopsia and quality of vision increases a lot . hope my answer helps you . All the best . Regards

Currently, I have enlarged and distorted images for my right eye. This imbalance of image sizes makes my vision strange and I feel very uneasy, sometimes with distance disparity. Is this imbalance called aniseikonia? I am currently quite upset by this problem. Will this problem be completely removed after erm surgery?
Thanks and regards,

Currently, I have enlarged and distorted images for my right eye. This imbalance of image sizes makes my vision strange and I feel very uneasy, sometimes with distance disparity. Is this imbalance called aniseikonia? I am currently quite upset by this problem. Will this problem be completely removed after erm surgery?
Thanks and regards,
Did you have this distortion even before ERM?
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up. If this distortion was not present before ERM and has come with it then you will have good improvement after it . If it was present before also then It could be because of the inherent weakness of the eye due to myopia and then ERM surgery wouldnt affect it . No it is not called anisokonia . That means difference in size of images between two eyes . This is metamorphopsia. Hope it helps . Regards

Did you have this distortion even before ERM?
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up. If this distortion was not present before ERM and has come with it then you will have good improvement after it . If it was present before also then It could be because of the inherent weakness of the eye due to myopia and then ERM surgery wouldnt affect it . No it is not called anisokonia . That means difference in size of images between two eyes . This is metamorphopsia. Hope it helps . Regards

Thanks for your promp reply. The distortion (imbalance) I described is not present before ERM. Then I could expect substantial improvement after ERM surgery?
Will the problem of aniseikonia develop after the surgery? I asked because I learnt from a fellow patient that he has developed this after ERM surgery. I am worried.
I also have some questions regarding cataract development after ERM surgery. I know that Cataract will soon develop after vitrectomy. If cataract surgery i subsequently performed on my ERM eye (right eye), I will have great differences between LE and RE in terms of myopia. I do not want to replace my LE lens together with my RE lends as the lens of my LE still clear. But how to overcome the vision imbalance (LE is about -9.00 myopia) without replacing my LE lens?
Doctor said I could leave about -2.00 for my RE upon cataract surgery, and then wear contact lens for LE only. But my question is will I feel very uncomfortable or even dizzy with such great differences? Any suggestions and advice?
Thanks much for advice

Thanks for your promp reply. The distortion (imbalance) I described is not present before ERM. Then I could expect substantial improvement after ERM surgery?
Will the problem of aniseikonia develop after the surgery? I asked because I learnt from a fellow patient that he has developed this after ERM surgery. I am worried.
I also have some questions regarding cataract development after ERM surgery. I know that Cataract will soon develop after vitrectomy. If cataract surgery i subsequently performed on my ERM eye (right eye), I will have great differences between LE and RE in terms of myopia. I do not want to replace my LE lens together with my RE lends as the lens of my LE still clear. But how to overcome the vision imbalance (LE is about -9.00 myopia) without replacing my LE lens?
Doctor said I could leave about -2.00 for my RE upon cataract surgery, and then wear contact lens for LE only. But my question is will I feel very uncomfortable or even dizzy with such great differences? Any suggestions and advice?
Thanks much for advice
No aniseikonia doesnt develop after ERM surgery usually
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up . You should expect improvement after ERM surgery . Yes cataract develops soon after ERM surgery or any retinal surgery for that matter . You may need surgery for the same and after cataract surgery you wont have much spectacle need for distance in that eye and you may have to wear contact lens for the other eye or else you may see double . But not necesaarily you will have significant cataract after ERM surgery . So we should wait and watch . hope my answer helps you . Regards

No aniseikonia doesnt develop after ERM surgery usually
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up . You should expect improvement after ERM surgery . Yes cataract develops soon after ERM surgery or any retinal surgery for that matter . You may need surgery for the same and after cataract surgery you wont have much spectacle need for distance in that eye and you may have to wear contact lens for the other eye or else you may see double . But not necesaarily you will have significant cataract after ERM surgery . So we should wait and watch . hope my answer helps you . Regards

Thanks and regards,

Thanks and regards,
No you should be fine dear
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up. You shouldnt have problem if you are wearing contact lens so dont worry . With contact lens such difference doesnt cause problems at all. hope it helps . Regards

No you should be fine dear
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up. You shouldnt have problem if you are wearing contact lens so dont worry . With contact lens such difference doesnt cause problems at all. hope it helps . Regards

Dr, I want to go to hair salon to perm my hair, which involves use of chemicals? If I do this before the surgery, is it OK or it will have impact on my disease?
What if I perm my hair after the surgery? When is the appropriate timing?

Dr, I want to go to hair salon to perm my hair, which involves use of chemicals? If I do this before the surgery, is it OK or it will have impact on my disease?
What if I perm my hair after the surgery? When is the appropriate timing?
If nothing goes into the eye it is ok
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up . Just ensure nothing goes into the eye . After surgery also you would be advised to not directly wash the eye or splash water on the face or even head bath for few days maximum for two weeks . Even you do a head wash water shouldnt go into the eye for few weeks . hope my answer helps you . Regards

If nothing goes into the eye it is ok
Detailed Answer:
hey thanks for the follow up . Just ensure nothing goes into the eye . After surgery also you would be advised to not directly wash the eye or splash water on the face or even head bath for few days maximum for two weeks . Even you do a head wash water shouldnt go into the eye for few weeks . hope my answer helps you . Regards

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