Developed Specks On Scrotum, Tiny Blood Blisters, No Pain Or Itching. Symptomatic Of?
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The complaints that you have described are very common and usually do not have a serious cause. Occasionally, they could represent a problem that would need to be addressed by the treating physician.
There are multiple possibilities in a patient presenting with tiny dark specks or blisters over the scrotum with no itching or pain. These include:
Molluscum contagiosum which is a benign, infectious viral disease in which patients have multiple, small, dome-shaped papules, often with a central depression or plug.
Prominent hair follicles and sebaceous (sweat) glands which are extremely common and may be visible as small nodules or might only be felt as small lumps in the skin.
Pearly penile papules are a condition in which patients have multiple, small (about 1-3mm) papules on the penile skin. A papule is a solid raised spot on the skin that is <1 cm in size.
Psoriasis is a condition which would most commonly cause thickened red papules or plaques with a well-defined edge. These papules or plaques often have a scaly surface. It rarely causes irritation.
Fordyce spots which seems to be quite likely in your case: In this condition, which usually affects young men, small (1-5mm) bright red or purple papules can appear on the glans, shaft or scrotum. They are painless and usually do not cause itching. They may bleed if injured or even during intercourse. Further, they are not infectious. Troublesome bleeding spots can be treated with electrocautery.
Herpes simplex would be a possibility if you recently had unprotected intercourse. In this case, these blisters would evolve into painful ulcers. Diagnosis can be made using various tests such as culturing the virus, direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) skin biopsy, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
If your condition worsens, I would recommend you to keep the area dry and wear cotton underclothes. Additionally, you would also need to consult your treating physician.
I hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you have no further queries please accept the answer.