Diabetes Not In Control, Taking Insulin, Unable To Walk With Breathing Problem. Why Advised To Undergo Angiogram?
I am unable to walk few steps as I am panting and gasping for breath.
I have been advised to under go angiogram... please advise why
Thanks for posting your query.
Your diabetes is not under control. It is very high. Both fasting and ppbs is very high in spite of treatment.
Diabetes is a group of disease which can affect many things together. It never comes alone. Uncontrolled diabetes can affect vitals organs of the body like heart, kidney, eyes etc.
As your sugar is not under control there are all the chances that your lipids must be high. This can lead to formation of clot inside your blood vessels and problems that you have.
Your symptoms are classical in suggestive of some underlying heart disease. This is the reason why you have been advised to undergo angiogram to see the blood supply to the heart. Again your cardiogram must have given some indication of this.
You are quite young; please do not take anything for granted. Please be serious about your disease and if not done already, please get in touch with a diabetologist in your city.
First and foremost thing is to control your blood sugar. Nothing else will help if your sugars are not under control.
Please follow healthy life style, plan your diet well and after things are sorted, please go for regular exercise as per guidance from your doctor.
I hope this helps and help you taking an informed decision.
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