Brief Answer:
Contact allergy hands
Detailed Answer:
Hi again,
I have seen the attached picture.
You seem to have lesions of contact allergic eczema.
These are unrelated to
These are basically a form of
allergic reaction which develop in certain people to the things that they touch, that is why these develop over the hands essentially.
Now as far as the cause is concerned, it is sometimes difficult to find the exact cause.
The most common allergens can be detergents for washing utensils,washing powder for clothes, handling of onion,ginger, garlic or prolonged contact with any oils or chemicals.
If you can actually figure out the allergen, you can try to avoid it.
If not, you can use a
topical steroid cream like
clobetasol over the affected areas twice a day.
In addition, you should try to keep the hands moistuized by using a good moisturizer or oil atleast three to four times a day.This forms an effective barrier to the allergen and decreases the chances of development of allergies.
Do not use any harsh hand washes like dettol.
If all this does not help, then you might have to see a local
dermatologist as sometimes short courses of oral
steroids have to be given.
Hope it helps,
If you have ant other queries, please ask.
Dr Geetika Paul.