Diabetic Neuropathy, Low Potassium Levels, Medication Side Effects
Thanks for your query
I do understand that you have been suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, low potassium and diabetes neuropathy. your concern seems to related to too many medicines. If required you have to take these medications.
I would preferable to have HBA1c, that reflects your average bloodsugar control. if that is normal and you are feeling comfortable without low sugar symptoms, then you could continue current diabetes medicines. Remylin D and aldonil will help to reduce your neuropathy.
Your low potassium is concern, inspite of having losar tablet. This would require a complete evaluation.I would also suggest to have your renal functions, stress ECG, lipid profile and neurologist work-up.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries I will be available to answer them.