Diagnosed With PMR. Suggest Physician Specialist In Treating PMR?
Hope this helps
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
The first thing in the management of Polymyalgia Rheumatica i making an appropriate diagnosis. I would love to know if your husband has actually been experiencing fever, non specific signs and symptoms like malaise and unexplained fatigue, pain and difficulties to move stiffness) at the level of his hips, girdles and shoulders. In case he has experienced this before, the diagnosis s usually supported by a blood test called the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR). This test indicates the level of inflammation and also acts as a marker for the treatment/ response to medication.
Why most treatments in PMR fail is because treatment is usually instituted late and is usually inadequate. Treatment of PMR based on intensity should range from between 6 to 24 months. The best class of drugs used, which present dramatic amelioration of the health of the patients are Corticoseroids. Prednisolone the most commonly used and has shown dramatic results. Dose, duration depend both on intensity of clinical symptoms and results of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate test.
It is important for the patient to know that there is no complete cure for PMR. Adequate and appropriate treatment can cause the patient to be symptom free for many years even, but symptoms might come again at some point.
I suggest your husband deserves a complete clinical review, grading of the intensity of pain, fatigue and joint stiffness, and a measure of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate for an appropriate clinical decision with respect to the management to be taken. Thanks and kind regards. Feel free asking further questions if need be.
Kind regards,
Bain LE, MD
There is really none specific, as of now.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up question,
I am afraid there really exists no specific specialty exclusive for PMR disease. Rheumatogists, and to a smaller extent internists and primary care physicians, are the most involved in the management of patients with PMR, and certainly have the greatest experience and expertize in caring for such patients.
Thanks again and hope this helps. Feel free asking any further questions if you need help. Kind regards.
Bain LE, MD