Diagnosed With Hyperthyroidism. On Neomechazole. Test Should Ggt Level 135. What To Do?
Thanks for the query.
Yes, it would be wise to consult your doctor.
You can read the following and this will help you understand this situation better.
Well possibilities of abnormal GGT levels could be:
1) Alcohol related rise
2) Neomercazole related cholestatic hepatitis
3) Unrelated disorders live obstructive jaundice like bile duct stone or tumor
It's important to know the rest of your liver function tests like Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, and alkaline phosphate levels to correlate the GGT values.
- If alkaline phosphate levels are normal then this elevated GGT is unlikely to be bile duct obstruction related
- It's difficult to differentiate between first two causes; however if you have started neomercazole in last 3 -4 weeks then likely neomercazole could be the cause.
Therefore it is important to know the other liver function test. If it is not been done, please go ahead and get the complete liver function including alkaline phosphate done. If possible also get an ultrasound abdomen to rule out bile duct problem.
- If all that is normal; just stop alcohol and monitor GGT weekly if it normalizes then need not worry,
Hope this answers your query. Please do reply in case you have further questions.
Wish you a speedy recovery...
When read along with what you reported, most likely, it is alcohol related, especially if you have started neomercazole long back; say more than 6 months back. Hence, stopping alcohol and checking LFT after a week would suffice.
Do get back in case of any further queries.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
Best Regards
Wish you quick recovery... Please close this discussion if you have no other queries.
Good luck.
Dr Abhijit