Diagnosed With Lung Cancer. Will I Get The Symptoms Of Heart Attack?
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Yes sir, many patients diagnosed to have lung cancer experience symptoms similar to that of a heart attack. But, they are still advised to report to their doctor whenever they experience this, especially:
-Those with a history of cardiac ailments
-Age above 50 years
Where up to 20-30 % of patients with lung cancer are absolutely asymptomatic (no symptoms), others experience symptoms like:
-Chest pain (similar to cardiac/heart pain)
-Shortness of breath (also experienced in a heart attack)
-Shoulder pain (also experienced in a heart attack)
-Hemoptysis (coughing of blood)
Symptoms experienced by patients with a more advanced stage of cancer:
-Blurred vision
-Hoarseness of voice
-Difficulty swallowing
and many more.
Please keep your treating doctor in the loop, and also run all investigations to ensure your cardiac status. Once we realize that you have a healthy heart, we wouldn't have to look into it the next time such pain arises (hoping it doesn't).
I hope my response was helpful and informative. Do write back to me for any further clarifications, I would be more than happy to help you.
Best wishes.