Diagnosed With Supraumbilical Hernia , Getting Continuous Hickups After Vomiting,
Explained below.need doctor's attentiin .
Detailed Answer:
Hi Tkalpa,
I understand your concern.
Hiccup..after vomitting ,is due to irritation of diaphragm causing spasms of diaphragmatic muscles.Ir can last as long as two days..
BUT In your case ,according to reports attached...it is likely to be due to obstruction of small bowels...
Avoid alcohol, take liquid diet only slowly..avoid spices.Take cold water sips.
In case vomitting recurs,there is pain and hiccups do not stop ...you should rush to your doctor for evaluation of umbilicalhernia&exclude strangulation of hernia or obstruction of bowels followed by specific intervention to avoid further complications.
I hope that helps. Any follow up query is welcome.