Diagnosed With Thyroid Cancer. Experiencing Pain In Neck And Lump Behind Ear Bone. Are They Related?
Thanks for writimg. I share your feelings & very sorry about it. I think all the symptoms which you have developed in recent past can be attributed to thyroid ca or its complications. Lump behind the ear could also be a lymph node. Looking at the extent of lymphadenopathy it looks as if its lymphoma of thyroid or papillary ca. Am I right. Im asking this because prognostically diffferent thyroid cas have diffferent implications. Based on your complaints it appears that pain in ear could also be related to ca thyroid but its really difficult to confirm it with out proper examination.
Lymph node compressing the nerve can be responsible for pain or it could be infection in ear. I feel that you should get it checked by your physician. That will clear the doubts in mind.
Lymphnodes are enlarged in many conditions and cancer is one of them. It indicates the spread beyond the primary site to surrounding structures. Thats natural course of any malignancy & we have to liv with it. Managent of thyroid ca is very advanced & with proper therapy long term survival is routine. Wish you the very best & speedy recovery.