Diagnosed With Vasovagal Syncope. Now Have Chest Pain, Dizziness, Nausea, Weakness, Quivering Leg. What To Do?
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The body's balancing mechanism is in the inner ear. An ENT (Ear Nose Throat) specialist is the one to see - they have special tests to confirm or exclude the contribution of the ear...
If there are no clues, you have to be seen by a neurologist. MRI may be needed. MRA (MRI angiography) shows blood vessels and is generally done at the same sitting.
If the problem persists, be back to the cardiologist –
Repeat Holter or event monitor. Holter records for days; Event monitor for weeks / Holter records continuously / Event monitor only at certain times.
TMT – Treadmill exercise ECG; may be with thallium isotope – is necessary to evaluate ischemia (reduced blood flow / Coronary Artery Disease)
If the problem is still bothering to the extent of interfering with life style, there is advanced techniques of investigation – Electro Physiological Studies (EPS) > it resembles angio – a catheter is put inside the heart / electrical activity recorded / stimulation and suppression tests are carried out / suitable medicine tested and so on. Though the test is the gold standard, it is INVASIVE and not generally done unless there are compelling indications. This super-speciality expert is called ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGIST. [There are other advanced treatment modalities - like ablation (thermal or radio-frequency), which could be done during EPS.]
The treating doctor may suggest them depending on need, based on his assessment of the situation.
Discuss with your doctor
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck
Some of the symptoms of both are often similar...
One does not cause the author.
Your anxiety is very likely situational – reactive to the problem.
Anxiolytic drugs help / sleepiness is a known side effect and can be reduced or avoided by changing the dose or the drug (another from a different class).