Question: Hello,
I have three questions.
1/ I have had ongoing progressing medical mystery illness for nearly 8 years, for some reason, the many Doctors have never been able to work out what the issue is, I have;
- Worsening O2 Sats - 92%
- Low ABG - Borderline Hypoxic
- Recurring Lung Infections
Chest Pain
- Blood on Pillow Reach Morning
- Proven Shunt (Shunt Study) but cant find the location.
I would like to know if there is anywhere OS I can mail my scans/cd's/reports to and get another opinion - i do not care about cost as I have already spent $180,000
Question 2 - My Doctors want yet another
CT scan - but from the list below you can see I have had far too many already, my disease has progressed so they want to see if anything shows now. I realise that each test has different
radiation amounts and that different machines and settings affect those amounts, however I would like your opinion as a rough guide and best guess to know how much exposure I have had in total and if that is considered safe - Below is a chart (I hope) of all the tests I have had done - i have included MRI's even though I am aware that MRI's are not nuclear radiation - I only inclded them because of the contrast which I also know is not nuclear but wondered if it may affect health.
Could you total (roughly I know) the amount of SV I have been exposed to?
Date Test Contrast or Isotope
15/09/2005 CT L Ankle and US
Cervical Spine Xray
8/12/2009 CTPA CT Injection
2/02/2010 CT Chest CT Injection
6/07/2010 Chest Xray
12/07/2010 Chest Xray
19/08/2010 CT Thorax CT injection
3/10/2010 Elbow Xray
7/10/2010 Chest Xray
8/10/2010 Chest Xray
6/01/2011 Gallium Scan Isotope
15/01/2011 CT Spine
15/01/2011 CT Head
14/09/2011 MRI Chest Wall and SI Joints Contrast
30/01/2012 Xray R Wrist and Hand
8/06/2012 CT Angiogram CT Injection
9/04/2012 Ct Abdo and Pelvis Contrast
8/05/2012 Chest Xray
16/01/2013 MRI Chest
8/03/2013 Chest Xray
16/03/2013 MRI Brain
9/05/2013 CT Head
9/05/2013 RA Chest
30/07/2013 MRI
Liver Gandolidium
31/07/2013 Chest Xray
2/08/2013 Barrium Swallow Contrast
5/08/2013 Cardiac MRI Contrast
20/08/2013 MRI L Hand
21/08/2013 MRI Abdo Gandolidium
15/10/2013 MRI L Ankle
19/10/2013 MRI R Ankle
6/11/2013 Flueroscopy
24/12/2013 MRI Spine and Chest wall Contrast
15/01/2014 MRI Right Wrist