Diet Has Not Been Good This Last While As Well And I Am Also Going Through Perimenopause
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Hi and thank you for asking query,
Initially i would say that have a practical approach as there is no magical formula,Things will take time but they will help in long term.
Menopausal changes can be a cause but not the prime cause.Primary cause in 99.9% cases is life style and food pattern.
Practically speaking a strict and drastic change in life style is required to cure constipation(may be you must be reading all these things already but please go through every line and take it seriously).
Not exercising enough, not drinking enough water and delaying a bowel movement can worsen constipation symptoms.The most important factor in curing constipation is a natural and simple diet. This should consist of unrefined food such as whole grain cereals, XXXXXXX honey and lentils; green leafy vegetables, like spinach, beans, lettuce, celery, asparagus, carrot. Adding some fat to meals or increasing the size of a meal such as breakfast can help create the urge to defecate. Individuals suffering from constipation should increase the amount of plant foods they consume to get more fiber in their diet. Constipation is successfully treated by changing diets so you have to work on it.
Secondly human gastrointestinal tract is colonized by 1013-14 bacteria of 400 different species and subspecies.They are responsible for proper digestion of food.Depletion of this flora can lead to severe constipation and digestive problems.
-Use a good probiotic daily like VSL#3 twice daily.
-Use fish oil and castor oil-Fish oil is believed to encourage healthy digestion and castor oil produces a laxative effect when ingested
-Fruits and vegetables, which contain high amounts of fiber, aid in alleviating symptoms of constipation,Whole-grain bread, XXXXXXX oatmeal, beans and lentils can also relieve the problem so use it Instead of highly processed rice, eat brown rice, millet or bulgur.
-Eat 2 cups of fruit 3 cups of vegetables and about 35 grams of fiber per day
fruits: Generally all fruits, except banana and XXXXXXX fruit, are beneficial in the treatment of constipation.
Pears are beneficial in the treatment of constipation.
Guava fruit when eaten with seeds, gives roughage to the diet and helps in the normal evacuation of the bowels.
Grapes: have also proved highly beneficial in overcoming constipation. The grapes have the cellulose; natural sugar and organic acid make them a natural laxative fruit. Not only they clean the bowel, but also tones up the stomach and intestines to relieve the chronic constipation
All these things will increase the bulk of your stool,Will soften it and will clear your ileum of the compacted faecal material.
-While sitting on the toilet, support the feet on a small stool in order to achieve a normal position that aids in bowel movement.
Don't stop laxative,initially start following all these advices then gradually taper the doses of laxatives she is on.
Take Fybogel husk-Fybogel sachets and Fybogel Hi-Fibre sachets both contain the active ingredient ispaghula husk, which is a type of medicine called a bulk-forming laxative. Ispaghula is a type of fibre. It swells when it comes into contact with fluid in the gut and thus increases the volume of the faeces.It increases the bulk in your stool, an effect that helps to cause movement of the intestines. It also works by increasing the amount of water in the stool, making the stool softer and easier to pass. Psyllium, one type of bulk-forming laxative.
Don't panic,but be realistic and keep the yourself motivated.
You have to change your life style mam.
Keep using laxative and psyllium husk and start changing your life style.Taper off medicines slowly and slowly.
Follow ups are welcome.
Thank you!
Good luck.
2 year to 3 year
Detailed Answer:
See if colonoscopy was normal 6 months back should be repeated after 3 years...But if you are Type A personality then just to calm down your mind it can be done every year or two...All these big disease takes long time to develop..Nothing would change in six months in 99.9999% cases.