Difficulty In Breathing, Breathing Through Mouth, ECG Abnormal. What To Do?
Thanks for the query.
Shortness of breath can result due to various factors. Kindly provide more information for a broader picture to work with in order to formulate a proper solution for you.
Do you have history of bronchial asthma? If yes, since when?
Do you have audible wheeze, chest pain, difficulty in speaking, eating?
Have you eaten anything you think you may be allergic to recently?
Do you feel a pacing or irregular heartbeat or chest pain?
Do you have a running nose often? Any early morning sneezing, blocked nose?
Do you suffer from frequent headaches?
It is possible that you may be having allergic respiratory tract disease which can affect anywhere from the nose to your chest. Mouth breathing can result from many factors like blocked nose, obesity, enlarged tonsils, adenoids as well.
Shortness of breath on doing normal activity may be attributed to possible obese structure and decreased stamina, if applicable. Blocked nose due to allergic rhinitis can contribute to shortness of breath because of less air entry frequently. If you do feel chest tightness you may need to get your medication revised, especially if this is a recent and frequent change in symptoms.
If the "Doctor" has cleared the ECG, then it is less likely of heart disorder. If there are no irregular hertneats or chest pain it possibly refutes organic heart problem as well.
You will need to get a thorough checkup by your Doctor, get a ear, nose and throat exam, get a Chest-Xray and possible Spirometry tests to evaluate lung function if necessary to monitor disease status.
Stay away from peanuts, shellfish, sea-food if possible. Use handkerchief to conver your nose and mouth if you are passing through unavoidable polluted areas of smoke, dust, pollen. Keep your inhaler full and always ready at hand.
Eat healthy. Drink plenty of water. You may sleep inclined with head end a bit higher than the rest of the body by resting on a few pillows supporting the neck and upper back as well to an angle of about 20 degrees. Do steam inhalation if you have a blocked nose, especially before going to bed. This will help prevent shortness of breath if you are obese. Avoid a full stomach meal before sleeping immediately.
Do regular exercise as comfortable for better health.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries.